Losing a friend.

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I layed down motionless on the soft covers of our bed, the bed that is now empty on the other side. The bed that used to lay the one person I truly loved, or so I thought I did. He's gone, it's been days of non stop searching, crying, screaming, I can't control myself.

I never thought I would lose him, I never wanted to even think of the possibility. I've never felt what it was like to have that one person who competed you ripped out of your life. He was my other half, litterally.

It pains me to think about the fact that I am still linked to him. That our feelings may not even be real. That he may turn dark, and never be the same again.

Then what would happen? I would still be the delicate, fragile human linked to a..... to a demon. That's what's going to happen to him. He isn't going to be him anymore. His soul is going to be trapped inside this thing's body, screaming to come out.

I don't want to see him in pain, maybe this was for the best. A part of me knows that it isn't over, it's not that easy. You know what they say,
Even the devil was once and angel.

I'm not stopping here, that isn't an option. I'm not letting him make himself go through this. There has to be a way to cure him, to get this curse lifted. There may be a way, but I have no idea what terrible and ugly concequences may follow.

I know exactly what I have to do, and I am going to do it.



I walked into the lobby, the smell of blood filling my system. I held back a gag as I carefully walked up to the felt desk.

"How may I help you?"

"Yeah, um I'm Rowen and I'm here to see madam Deileh."

"Yes, she's been expecting you. Right this way, dear"

I nodded, nerves making my stomach drop. I've never been here alone before. The first time id seen madam Deileh, she just about gave me a heart attack. The way she talked with such slowness, a dead tone to her voice, sent shivers down my spine.

I followed her into the elavator, stopping at floor 189. I followed her down the familiar darkened hallway, torches lighting up as we walked by. It felt like a dungeon. Cold air was filling the hall, silent whispers all around us.

"Right in here." She said pointing to a door. It was different then last time. I thanked her and slowly twisted the door knob, squeaking as it opened.

"Rowen? I've been expecting you my dear." She said, back facing towards me.

"Y-yes, I'm here to learn a little more about this whole situation, and well.... I'm worried about harry."

"My love, there isn't anything to worry about. There will be no harm done to your loved one, just his soul."

"Just his soul?!" I snapped. "He is his soul, without his soul he's nothing!"

"Don't raise your voice."

"There has to be some way to lift this whole curse and break the chain."

"I'm not saying that there isn't, in fact there is, but it's way to risky."

"What do you mean by that?"

She looked to the ground, shaking her head. I looked at her confused, coming closer.

"This isn't fun and games anymore, it never was. If you can't help me, I'll find someone who can." I snarled.

She sucked in a breath.

"There's a spell, a very powerful one. A spell that can remove all the darkness out of an evil, making the return to their original selves. It is a very dangerous spell, however. I've heard of very powerful witches completing this spell before, only 2 of the victims have made it through the process. It's deadly, my dear. I think Harry's better off now then he would be if we did it. I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

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