Things will get ugly.

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Hey guys! I'm kind of at writers block. Please comment with any ideas of some events tht could happen into the story, cause I'm lost right now, it would mean a lot ! Thanks x

~Rowen's p.o.v~

I looked at the surprised face in front of me, a smile curling up on her lips. "Rowen?" She laughed, pulling me into a tight hug, me returning the favor. "How are you, where the hell-" i cut her off. She bit her lip. "Sorry, why don't you come inside, yeah?" She said giving me a push. I nodded heading inside.

I took a seat on the couch, leaving the suitcase at the door. I hope this isn't all too much, I haven't seen Alicia in months. There's no way she's gonna let me stay with her. What the hell is wrong with me.

She took a seat on the couch in front of me, shooting me a smile. "So how are you, anything new?" She asked. I let out a silent chuckle. "Not really, I've been staying with my parents for a while, but they kinda kicked me out." I lied, feeling even more guilty by the second.

"Well is there any specific reason you came by, do you need something?" She said leaning in closer. I was hoping she would of gotten the hint, so I wouldn't have to straight up ask her.

"Well, i dont really, erm, have anywhere to stay right now, and I was wondering if I could maybe, you know, crash here for a while?" I asked, awaiting we answer with doubt. Her facial expression changed.

"Of course!" She screamed, pulling me into yet another hug. I smiled, pulling away. "We have so much to catch up on babe!" She said pulling me into the kitchen. "You hungry? Sorry, stupid question, do you want a sandwich?" She said happily. I laughed at her excitement. "Yea, thank you" I said leaning against the counter.

She bent over into the fridge, pulling out various meats and cheeses. I watched as she put the condiments together onto a piece of bread, lightly cutting it in half. She pulled out a plate, handing it to me. "Here you go" she said making herself one.

"Thanks" I said walking into the living room. I took a seat by the coffee table, placing my plate down. I shivered, still being in my soaking wet clothes. A couple minutes later, Alicia came trotting down the stairs, throwing a couple of articles of dry clothing at me.

"Here, change into these, you're freezing." She stated, grabbing her plate from the kitchen and taking a seat next to me. "Anything you wanna watch or anythig?" She asked picking up the remote. I looked at the clothes in my hands.

"I should most likely go change, I think I remember where the bathroom is" I said standing up, she nodded. I headed up the stairs, approaching the door in front of me. Something on the wall caught my eye. It was a picture of her and I the day we graduated. Memories flooded into my mind, what a great day that was. The feeling of finally being considered an adult. No more school, being able to start a new chapter to your life. I just never thought that this is where I would be at this moment.

I made my way into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, slipping into the warm clothes, my wet articles falling to the floor.

~Harry's p.o.v~

"Jared?" I asked in shock, taking a step back. "I thought you were dead." I stated. He smirked, taking a step closer. "Now, so did I. But things happened, and let's just say, I'm a new me." He laughed, acting quit strange. "What do you want?" I snapped, my eyes getting a shade darker. "Now, aren't you happy to see me, little brother?" He asked, crossing his arms sarcastically.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said between gritted teeth. He just studied me. "I just came her to visit my family, reunite with my little brother." He said with a smirk, it took all my strength not to rip his head off.

"We will never be a family again" I said angrily. "I never want to see you again, get the fuck out of my sight before I rip your head right off your neck." I threatened, but he didn't look taken back.

"Do you really mean that, little brother?" He asked with a devilish tone to his voice. "Don't call me that" I breathed. He just laughed. "Think about how powerful we would be together, harry. We could dominate." He said coming closer, I laughed at his words.

"You know what they say, the angel was once a devil." He quoted. I took a step back. "I will never do what you've done, to anybody. You use your power for nothing but bad, and I want nothing to do with it." I said with force.

"Well that's a shame, I really wouldn't want your little friend to come into this. She is very beautiful, feisty though. You chose well man."

"How the hell do you know rowen?"

"Rowen? So that's her name? I ran into her at the grocery store, I hope I didn't give her the wrong first impression. Tell me, where is she now? She's gone, isn't she? She wasn't happy with you."

"Why do you have to fucking do this?" I screamed, getting up into his face.

"It's just way more fun that way"

I sucked back a breath. "You need to leave her out of this, or things will get ugly." I warned. He just smiled, a hint of anger in his eyes.

"But what you don't understand, little brother, is that things are gonna get ugly anyway if I don't get what I want." He said, disappearing with a flash.

The urge to find out where rowen is just became way more urgent. If he lays a single finger on her, he won't live to see another day.

But if he gets what he wants, no one will.

~Rowen's p.o.v~

I made my way onto the couch beside her, making myself at home. "So, where were we? Yes, TV. So anything you wanna watch?" She said handing me the remote control. I nodded, taking it from her, flipping through the channels.

I flipped through multiple, when something caught my attention last second. I quickly flipped back, listening to the sou of the female reporters voice.

"5 innocent people have been brutally murdered outside of the cinema, downtown London. Each victim seems to have been stabbed, 2 identically holes, almost bite marks, left in each of their necks. We are still yet to decide watcher this is some sort of joke, but until we get it the bottom of this case, we strongly suggest that everyone stay out of the downtown area until things clear up until further notice."

I froze in place, still processing what I have just seen. "That's freaky, like something out of a horror movie" she laughed, crossing her legs. I just looked at her.

"Aren't you the least bit scared?" I asked in disbelief. "Why would I be, it's obviously a joke, things like this don't just happen. I mean, 2 identical holes, that sound like a vampire n all that shit. Things like that don't exist rowen."

I swallowed down hard as her words filled my ears. A part of me knew that this couldn't of been the boys, but if it wasn't them, that could only mean one thing.

There's more of them. And they're not here to fool around.

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