Uncalled feelings

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~Rowen's P.O.V~

I slowly walked up to the white shut door in front of me. Harry hasn't been out of his room for an hour now, i'm getting worried. His harsh words still replaying in my head. She's mine.

I let my knuckle come in contact with the door 4 times, before slowly opening it. I peek my head in to see harry sitting on the bed, his head in his hands. "Harry?" I whispered, and his head shot up. "Go away." He muttered. I was taken back by his words. 

"What's your problem?" i snapped, earning myself a sympathetic glance. "Please go away" He corrected himself, sarcastically. I didn't object, turning around, heading out the door, shutting it behind me. 

"How'd it go?" I hear Louis' voice behind me. I shook my head. "He told me to go away, he won't talk to anyone" I took a seat on the couch. What has gotten into him? 

"Look, Rowen, there's something that i should tell you, because there's no way in hell that harry's going to admit to thi" He took a seat beside me, biting his lip. "Harry is developing some feelings that he has never developed before, to you. You see, vampires aren't suppost to feel anything towards humans, no emotions at all, it makes it easier for us to feed off of them. This has never happened before, but harry's developing some serious feelings towards you, and he doesn't know what's happening, that's why he freaked out on Niall when he kissed you" I stared at Louis blankly. 

"W-what? No, he said it himself, he hates me, and i hate him. He doesn't feel anything towards me, except hatred." I heard a grunt coming from the doorway. I turn my head to see Harry standing there looking at me.

"Rowen, can i talk to you for a second?" His voice came out like he was in pain. "Um, sure" I made my way over to him, following him down into the basement. 

I walked in, him closing the door behind me. "Harry what the hell is going on with you?" I snapped at him. He looked at the ground biting his lip. "I don't know" he stuttered. 

"Well you owe me some explaining! What the hell do you mean that i'm yours? The last time i checked, you said you hated me." Right when those words came out of my mouth, i was instantly pushed up against the wall, no space between mine and Harry's bodies. "You really think i hate you Rowen? Do you think i would keep you here if i hated you? Remember when i told you there was a reason for my keeping you, what do you think that reason is now?" He snapped, backing away. He looked lost. 

"I don't know" I stuttered. He looked at me blankly. "I have never felt this way towards a human Rowen. I have no problem hurting innocent people, but with you, i just can't. I feel the urge to protect you, i got so jelous when Niall kissed you, that i just snapped. Rowen i don't know what's heppening. Vampires aren't suppost to feel this way about humans". He said, taking a step closer. 

"What are you saying Harry?" I looked him in the eyes, waiting for a responce from him. He just looked at me. "I love you Rowen" And when those words came out of his mouth, i instantly felt his lips on mine with force. There was no space between me and the wall, and me and him. Our lips moved in sync, my stomach dropping more and more every second. 

This felt so wrong, he was a monster. But that didn't change the fact that i was enjoying myself right now. I felt his hands go up the sides of my body, under my shirt. I brought my hand up to his head, running my fingers through his hair. "Jump" He mumbled into the kiss, but i decided to tease him a little, have a little fun. My feet stayed planted on the ground. His knee came in contact with my crotch, pulling me up with force, it hurt. I wrapped my legs around his torso. "Good choice" he growled into the kiss. 

He was in control. Well he is 10x stronger then me. Vampire strength. But that turned me on even more. I pulled away, and he looked dissapointed. "That felt so fucking good" He mumbled, kissing my neck. "Harry, stop" I pushed him away, he looked taken back. "What?" He looked pained. 

"We, we can't do this." I looked at him, and he took a step back. "Why not?" 

"You're a vampire, Harry. I'm just a blood bag to you." He took a step closer to me. "Rowen, that's not how i look at you. EVer since i first saw you, more like smelled you, i knew you were different, that i needed to have you. When i first saw you in that alley, the way you looked at me, you looked so scared, do beautiful. When i saw the fear in your eyes, i felt powerfull, i felt in charge. I knew that i couldn't just let you go. Usually i'd bring em home, then dump em on the streets. Rowen, vampires aren't suppost to develope feelings like this for humans. But once i started feeling that way towards you, something made me feel attatched to you. That isn't normal Rowen. Isn't that a sign? Rowen, I love you" He looked me in the eyes, i felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Harry, you don't love me, you think you do, but you don't. What you feel towards me isn't love. You're feeling something, but you're making yourself think that it's love, it's not. You've only known me for 2 weeks harry." He took my hand. 

"Rowen, i know what i feel. I love you, i was made to find you. I love you." He tilted his head onto mine. I couldn't help but feel something towards harry right now, in this moment. "Hey, look at me" i tilted his head up. His eyes were beautiful, and i saw something in them that i have never seen before. Emotion. 

I leaned my head into his, letting out lips touch once more. I jumped on command, his hand firmly gripping my ass, the other holding the back of my head. I could honestly get used to this, i liked it when he was in contoll. He carried me over to the couch, our lips never breaking contact. He layed me down, getting on top of me, he started kissind down my neck, then he stopped. He looked up at me, his eyes changing from green to red. He looked hungry.

"harry, when was the last time you ate?" I asked, slightly scared. "3 days ago, Rowen i need you to get out of here, please" He said getting off of me. "Go ahead" I said, taking a step towards him. I leaned my neck to the side, throwing my hair behind my back. "Rowen, no. I won't be able to stop, you know that." 

"Yes you will, you won't hurt me" I said, pulling his hand on the pulse on my neck. "Rowen-" i cut him off. "Harry, i trust you." 

He slowly leaned his head down to my neck, i shut my eyes preparing myself for the pain. I heard him take a breath, and he sunk his fangs into my neck. I held back a scream, as i could feel the fluid being drained from my neck. 

"Harry, stop" I whispered, becoming light headed. "Harry stop, it hurts, please" but no answer, his firm grip tightening around my waiste, he was shaking. "harry-" my head started to become lighter, and everything was blurring around me. I took in one last breath and everything blacked out around me. 

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