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"It hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts even more to hold on."

It's cold. I couldn't make out any feeling in my body. All I know is that I was shivering. The sound of raindrops and echoes filled my ears, faint screams in the distance. Yet my eyes refused to open. Not just yet. I was being dragged, I could make out that much. Water making the bottom of my pants damp. I struggled to open my eyes, squirming trying to get out of the persons grasp.

Images were running through my head. Me and Harry, just like we used to be, happy, in love. It paused on one scene, my body trying to force its way awake. Harry looked beautiful, staring into my eyes. His mouth slightly opened, but then he shook his head and closed it with a smirk. He sarted to speak.

"Oh darling, you never meant a thing." and with that, his eyes were no longer their beautiful shade of green, but dark red and and full of... nothing.

 As if on cue, my eyes jolted open along with a cursing scream leaving my mouth. The hand around my wrist tightened, along with multiple curses leaving the mans mouth. I looked up and I wasn't surprised to see who it was.

"Oh you're awake." He looked down at me, a devillsh smile covering his face. I rolled my eyes in disbelief.

"When are you ever gonna give up, Jared?" 

"There is nothing to give up on Rowen, just stuff that we have to accept. That you have to accept." he let go of my wrist, and at that time I took in my surroundings. It was a long, dark hallway, the only source of light coming from a few torches lit up on the walls. It didn't seem to come to an end. There were doors on each side of the hall, faint screams coming from each one. There were puddles of water mixed with blood on the ground, looking down to see that that's what my ankles were soaked in. 

Echoes bounced off the walls, replaying in my head, snapping me out of my trance. I just looked forward. 

"Why am I here?" I said, no emotion in my voice. He took my arm and turned me towards him. 

"Someone wanted to see you one last time, and I know very well that you know exactly who I'm talking about. " 

"Where is he?" I said, my tone not coming out too friendly. He motioned down the hallway into the darkness. 

'You have limited time, make the most of it. I'll come back to show you out." he said, after the thought, grabbing me by the neck.

"And if you try any little tricks, I will kill you." and he let me go, turning the other way. 

I slowly made my way down the hall, my feet lightly touching the ground. I jumped at something flying over my head. I looked over and saw a crow sitting in the top corner. I shivered and kept walking. 

"Please help me!" I looked over and there was an old lady trying to break through the bars, her arms reaching for me. She looked crazy, I wonder how long shes been down here for. I took all my will power and kept walking until I could make out what was at the end of the hall. It was a big wooden door. 

I ran up, tugging it open. It was locked. Of course. To my luck, there was a key in the corner. 

I twisted the lock, and the door swung open. 

I slowly took a step inside the pitch black room. It was freezing. I looked up at the window in the corner of the wall, streaming a perfect stream of light into the center of the room. It was empty. Not a single sound filled my ears. 

Then I heard something move in the corner. I didn't have enough time to focus before I was being tackled to the ground. I screamed and tried to push the figure off of me, only to be pinned down. Then I looked into his green eyes and I lost it. He let go and I wrapped my arms around his neck as fast as I could, his arms pulling me close.

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