Control yourself

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I woke up to a line of sunshine running across my face. I turned my body around, expecting to come face to face with harry, but the other side of the bed was empty. I look around the room for a sign of him, but there's no one there. "Harry?" I shouted, but no reply.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, pulling on a pair of shorts. I make my way to the staircase, entering the living room. "Hello?" I yelled, but there's no one home. I walk into the kitchen, and i folded piece of paper on the counter catched my eye. 

Me and the boys went to get a bite to eat, we'll be home in a bit. Love you xx-H

I sighed and folded up the piece of paper, throwing it in the trash. I walked up to the fridge, opening it to rows of bottles of blood. I wonder what it tastes like, i wondered. I picked up one of the bottles, since there's no one around, and twisted the cap off. I put my lips up to the corner, and slightly tilt it, feeling salty liquid run into my mouth. 

I instantly spit it out, gagging. That is disgusting. How do they drink this stuff? I put the bottle back into the fridge, cleaning up the blood on the floor. I walk into the living room, and take a seat on the couch, making myself comfortable. I grab a blanket and get cuddled up. 

I pick up the remote, tuning the tv on. I'm flipping through the chanells when a familliar story catches my ears.

"5 dead bodies found outside of holmes chapel theatre. We do not yet have any suspects for this case. Each victim seems to have been stabbed, and has 2 dots on the neck side by side. We think this may be some sort of joke. We will have further updates after the investigation is complete. 

I shook my head, not that it surprises me. How could they be so irresponsible? At least do it privately. I thought they said that they never actually killed humans, they just drank until there was just enough to keep them alive. My stomach started to turn. Those are the people i am currently living with. 

I turned off the tv, and got up from the couch. I heard the door open, but no one was there. "Hello?" I shouted through the room. I heard the sound of glass breaking, jumping at the sudden noise. "Harry?" I shout, no answer. "Please don't do this, you're scaring me" I shivered, looking in every direction. 

"Harry stop, i know it's you" I said dully, not falling for it this time. I look over and see a dark figure standing in front of me, a few feet away. It was zayn.

"Zayn? What are you doing?" I asked shocked. "Where are the other guys?" I said looking at him. A devlish smirk played up on the side of his lips. "No harry here to protect you? Look how vaunerable you look, would be a shame if anything happened" He said, touching the side of my cheek. "I've been wanting to do this ever sinse harry brought you home the first day. It was a stupid idea actually, leaving you in a house with 5 vampires, you still a delicate little human" He purred in my ear.

"Please don't do this" I cried, as his lips came up to my neck. "Harry will hate you if you hurt me" I whispered.

"Now i don't think he will, love. You're not gonna remember any of this" He said, when i felt a weight being lifted off of me. I see Zayn fly across the room with a thud, and i see Harry standing there, red eyes and all. "Rowen, get down to the basement, now" He demanded.

"Harry no don' t-" he cut me off. "Rowen now!" he shouted, and i obeyed, making my way downstairs. I closed the door behind me, locking it. I could hear the curses and banging from upstairs, my body shaking at each one. 

~Harry's P.O.V~

"What the hell!" I shouted in Zayn's face, punching his once again. "What the fuck is wrong with you, that's my girlfriend" I threw another punch, him dodging it. "You fucking bastard, i thought you were my mate!" I screamed, kicking his in the side. "I'm sorry man!" he shouted, he sounded like he was in pain. good.

"Why would you even think that i wouldn't fuckin kick your head in if you ever tried something like this" I growled, pinning his hand behind his head, me on top of him. 

"I'm a vampire Harry, i couldn't hold it any longer. You're being a fucking idiot keeping a poor innocent human such as her in a house full of vampires. Do you really think that i'm the first one who's thought about sucking her brains out?" He looked at me. 

I got off of him, pushing him up against the wall. "If you ever attemmt to lay a single fucking finger on her again, i swear to god i will kill you" I snarled in his ear, letting him go. He dissapeared in mid air. I made my way down to the basement. 

I opened the door, expecting to see Rowen. I looked around the room but it was empty. "Rowen?" I aksed, but the room was silent. I felt a slight breeze come across my head and looked across the room. The window was open. She was gone. 

Sorry this chapter is kinda short, i wanted to end it like that, i'm writing the next one now. 

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