I love you.

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"What the hell is that?" Niall asked, his voice full of curiosity. He looked down at me, lifting my chin up to look at him. "I don't know." I said, my voice full of doubt. "I noticed this earlier, but I kinda just brushed it off, you know, running for my life."

"That looks familiar." I heard Louis' voice whisper from across me. "What do you mean?"

"I've seen that mark somewhere, I just can't place it."

"Do you remember where you saw it?" Niall asked, putting his hand on my shoulder in comfort.

"No, I just remember seeing it somewhere. Sorry, I can't place it."

"That's fine, thanks Lou" I thanked him, standing up, holding onto niall for support. My side burned, but it didn't exactly hurt. I placed my hand onto my hip, walking into the kitchen. "Do you want anything to eat? You must be starvin!" I heard niall enter the kitchen behind me.

"I don't know, I think I'm-" like it was on cue, my stomach let out a growl, causing niall to laugh. "Do you wanna maybe go out for lunch?" He came closer, playing with a lock of my hair. I pulled away in confusion. "Harry's gone and we have no idea where he is and you wanna go out for lunch!" I slapped him on the arm and groaned, walking back into the living room.

"So what should we do!" Liam asked, slouching back into the couch. What do we do? We find harry.

"We find harry, let's go." I demanded, walking towards the door.

"We can't just leave! We have no idea where he is!"

"Well we're gonna find out. Look, I have no idea who that man is, but all I know is that he wouldn't hesitate to kill me and the same would go for harry."

"Rowen, we can't just-"

"Now." I said sharply, no questions asked.

"I'm not letting him get hurt!" I crossed my arms.

"I think you're forgetting who's the vampire here, babe." I rolled my eyes at him comment.

"Do you guys want to find harry?"

They all nodded in agreement. "Of course."

"Well, start acting like it."

"Fine, let's go."


My mind was blurry, my eyes refusing to open. Images kept flashing in and out of my mind. There was a man, oddly familiar, standing with a knife in his hand, but he was gone in a second. Then came a figure laying down by some sort of object.... It was me.

Before I could clasp onto the picture, it changed to a different scenery. It was a dark room, lit up by.... by something, I couldn't make it out. I searched around, but it was empty. Or so I thought.

In a second, some sort of creature popped out, half... I don't even know. It was hideous. Then the scenery changed again. It was a field, a field full of flowers. It was beautiful, flowers of all sorts, the sun lighting up the area.

The sky started to get darker, clouds rolling in, lighting striking with a gust of heavy wind. Something appeared in the distance, trying to make out what it was, I looked harder...... It was a girl.

My eyes jolted open, light making me squeeze them shut instantly. I could hear the sound of birds chirping in the distance, and the sound of a stream.

I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. I was in a forest, right where I left off, accept in a different part. I was surrounded by trees, all sorts of wild animals, but no sight of a way out.

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