The escape.

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I lightly ran my finger over the burning triangular scar that lay on my hip. I winced at the sudden contact. I don't remember any time that I could of gotten this. I examined it closely. It's probably nothing, I mean, what else could it be?

I drew my mind elsewhere, looking around the bathroom for an escape route, a weapon, something for me to make a break with. I grunted, digging threw drawers, cupboards, shelves, but I found nothing.

I felt tears welling up in the back of my eyes. I held them back, not wanting to feel weak. But I was. I have never been this scared in my life. I have no idea who, what this man was, but I know that he isn't someone you'd wanna be playing roommate with.

I took one last glance around the room, my eyes snapping to the upper corner on the wall. A window.

A rush of excitement washed over me as I desperately tried to reach, but I was too short. I picked myself up onto the toilet, jumping and grasping onto the ledge, just making it. I used all my strength to pull my body weight up, only to fail and fall to the ground with a thud.

I heard loud footsteps, seeing ashadow from under the crack of the door.

"What are you doing in there?" He asked, I could hear the anger in his voice. My heart started to beat faster and I started to panic, barely able to breath. I quickly jumped once more, throwing my foot onto the counter for a boost.

"What he fuck are you doing?" He asked banging on the door. It sounded like the door would burst down any second.

I jumped as high as I could, grabbing onto the ledge, pushing the window open. I managed to get my elbows up, over the window, managing to get my petite body half way through.

Before I knew it the door burst open to reveal a very pissed off vampire.

"Get the fuck down from there" he growled, grabbing at my leg. I struggled, reusing to let the widow out of my grip. He pulled, I held on with dear life.

"Get back here you little bitch!" He snarled, pulling even harder. I felt one of my hands come loose, my stomach dropping to my feet. It took all my strength to kick him in the nose, watching him fall to the ground. I quickly regained my position, my body 3/4 out now. With one last pull, I was out.

The fall was short, but still hurt like hell. I landed on my wrist, bending it backwards. I cried in pain as I slowly and carefully got to my feet, avoiding any contact with my wrist.

I started into a sprint, running as fast as my feet could carry me. My legs were trembling as tears freely fell from my eyes, knowing that there was no way that I could get away that easy.

I looked back, no one in sight. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally felt somewhat safe. But I was wrong. A darting figure appeared out of the bush, making his way towards me. I continued running, my breath becoming forced, the air escaping my lungs.

I was stupid to think that I could outrun a vampire. My body fell to the ground, and I stumbled down a bank. My head smashed on a rock, dirt staining my skin. My shirt ripped on an upcoming branch, legs getting scratched up my thornes.

A couple more spins, and my body came to a stop. I lay there motionless on the ground, eyes barely open. I saw a darkening figure block the sun from my eyes. Leaning closer, I saw a pair of red eyes looking down at me.

"What did I saw would happen if you disobeyed me, sweetheart?" He asked with a devilish smirk, picking me up by the neck. He threw me against the tree, his breath lingering on my neck. "I said there'd be Concequences, didn't I?" He questioned, kissing my neck lightly.

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