Familliar faces.

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If I told someone my story, they'd think I was crazy. I mean, who wouldn't. I'm a 18 year old girl living with 5 vampires, no big deal right? I've already been lying to my friends and family. I've almost forgot that I actually have a life outside if this crazy scenario.

It helps that I do happen to live by myself, but it doesn't mean that people don't try to get ahold of me. I've had 16 missed calls in the past week, people must be worried. Most were from my parents, me having to tell them that I'm staying with a friend, which is a lie. Then I've told my friends that I'm staying with my parents for a while, also a lie.

Should I leave? I mean I love harry and all but I just don't think this is right. He's been acting very off for the past week, all of them have, should I say. They're being very secretive. Niall is acting off the most, he's been very antisocial, I think it might have something to do with harry and I.

The boys have just gone out for lunch, leaving me here all by myself. It gets quite boring actually, I thought vampires would have more entertainment in their house, but nothing. All the basement is, is a bed, tv, dresser and a bathroom. Not to mention that harry is an absolute pig.

"Gross" I sigh as I look to the floor, spotting the underwear by my feet. I kick it to the side, sanding up, snapping out of my thoughts.

Right now I don't really think that leaving is an option, I've tried and we all know how that worked out. I leave, and harry sucks me back in. It's something about him that I can't stay away from. Sappy right?

I make my way into the kitchen, slamming the door behind me. I pop my head into the fridge to be greeted by multiple blood bags. If they're gonna keep me here hostage, they could at least buy me something edible.

I turn around with a grunt, jumping at the sight in front of me. Zayn.

"Fuck off, will ya?" I groaned pushing past him. "Woah woah woah, watch your temper there. Makes sense, harry always liked a fighter". He said with a smirk, following. "What the hell does that mean?" I groaned plopping my arse down on the couch.

"What did you eat for breakfast this morning? I think you put a little too much bitch then usual". He took a seat opposite of me. I laughed an shook my head in disbelief. If I was a vampire I would rip his head off I swear.

"Leave." I mumbled turning on the tv. I swung one leg over the other, letting out a sigh. "Now let's not forget the fact that I live here" he snarled. I could hear the annoyance in his voice.

"What do you want zayn?" I questioned turning in his direction. He just shook his head and looked to the ground with a laugh. "Now why would I want something?" He asked. I stood up. "Well last time I was alone with you you tried to suck the life outta me, and you're now saying you just wanna hang out? I know bullshit, and you reek of it".

He stood up. "I'm here to give you a little heads up, Hun." He said taking a step closer. "Don't call me that" I spat, annoyed. He just smiled.

"You'd be better with niall." He blurted, my eyes widening at his words. "Ok now I really want you to leave." I pointed to the door. "Rowen I know you feel something for him, and you know it too. Niall would be better for you, you and I both know that. He can do things with you that harry couldn't. He could show you more, believe me, in the end you're gonna wish you had niall on your arm". He walked into the kitchen. I quickly followed.

"What the hell do you mean "in the end"? I'm with harry and that is not gonna change, ever, so both you and niall need to get that out if your tiny little fucked up heads." I got in his face, his eyes turned red. I stepped back.

"You're really making this worse for yourself rowen. Don't say I never tried to warn you." He said disappearing.

"What does that mean?" I asked to myself. He is making no sense. What am I? I'm a human being, not a prize. I'm with harry and they both need to stay out of it.

After about 5 minutes of sitting there is both silence and boredom, someone finally walked through the door. "Hey beautiful" harry greeted me spinning me around. "Hi, you got a little.." I said wiping the dry red smudge on his chin. He cursed replacing my thumb with his, scratching at the red spot.

"Sorry, that was the best blood I've had in weeks, rowen" he smiled at the thought. "You didn't kill the person, right?" I asked concerned. "Of course not, she's perfectly fine. I think." He said walking into the kitchen. I quickly followed.

"Harry! You said you wouldn't do that anymore." I said sternly. He ran his hand through his curls. "Rowen, I'm a vampire, get used to it babe." He wrapped his hands around my waiste, whispering in my ear. I shivered. The thought came running into my mind. He could turn on me at any second. What I he already has, but impelled me to forget? You ever know with him.

"Harry, can u ask you something?" I questioned watching his expression. I couldn't read it. He looked deep in thought. "Hit me" he said leaning against the marble counter top.

"Have you ever compelled me? You know, to make me forget something?" I said instantly regretting the words once they spilled out of my mouth. "Of course not, why would you ask me that?" He said with a puzzled expression. "I'm sorry, it was a stupid question, forget I asked." I replied. That was such a stupid question.

"I would never do anything like that to you, you know that." He tilted my chin up, looking me in the eyes. I nodded, kissing him lightly on the lips. I hear a grunt from behind us and quickly pull back.

"What do we have here?" I saw a familiar blonde haired boy standing in the doorway. I felt my cheeks turn a dark shade of red. "What do you want" I questioned, looking at him with the best annoyed expression I could pull off. He grinned, blood glistening off his left tooth. "Just wanted a snack, that's all" he said walking over to the fridge, pulling out a bag. He exited the room, mumbling something I couldn't make out, under his breath.

"Can we go grocery shopping?" I asked, earning myself a surprised expression from the boy standing in front of me. "Why would you wanna do that?" He asked pulling me closer. "I'm a human remember, I need food." I said sternly, crossing my arms. "Shit, sorry. Almost forgot. Yeah sure." He said picking up his jacket. "I can go by myself if you want, you look pretty tired" I said picking at the collar of his shirt.

"Are you sure you won't try and run away again" he said sucking on the skin under my ear. I pushed him away. "Promise." I said, heading over to the door. "Love you, be safe!" He shouted as I close the door behind me.

I haven't been outside in what seems like days now. I've been held in that house, for some reason, not being allowed to leave. Harry said it's not a good idea, but I guess he finally came to his senses.

I hopped into the black pick up truck in the driveway, secretly stealing Harry's keys off the counter. He won't mind, I can drive.

I pulled into the parking lot I the grocery store, closing the door with a slam behind me. I made my way through the sliding doors, the warm air of the room making its way around me. My muscles loosened up, and I could finally relax. It's freezing outside.

I take out the crumpled piece of paper, reading the items printed down. I don't need that much, well actually yes I do. Despite my petite figure, I eat like an elephant.

I walk down the isle, trying to make out where the cookies are. I turn around and see a strange looking man approach me. I turn around and walk away, he was probably just looking for something in the isle. I turned back around, and he was stopped, looking at the shelves. My heart rate slowed down as I made my way through the isles, picking out whatever I thought I might enjoy.

I walked past a shelf of magazines, knocking a few to the ground. I sighed and knelt down picking them up. I stood back up only to bump into a tall figure blocking my path.

He smiled, showing a yellow tooth. My stomach turned at the sight. He almost looked familiar, though.

"Hello, love" he said, shooting me a grin. I nodded and gave him a quiet hello. "What are you doing here?" He asked, looking around. I laughed. "Shopping." I said sarcastically. He chuckled and looked me in the eyes, they were a dark green, just like Harry's.

"I'm sorry, stupid question." He said nervously. He looked about 25, I'm guessing. "Are you here alone?" He asked, grabbing my arm. I quickly pulled back. "I'm sorry I don't think that that is any if your business." I snapped, getting uncomfortable.

"Sorry, don't mean to be so nosy. It's just, you're beautiful." He said, I could feel his gaze in mine, even though I wasn't looking him in the eye. "I should get going" I stated, walking away.

After I went through the check out, I exited the doors, making my way to the truck. I turned back and saw the man standing there at the doors, staring at me. I started to feel nervous.

Who the hell is he?

Sorry guys i haven't updated in a while. I'm probably talking to no one right now cause I don't know who regularly reads this, but I apologize for not updating often. I'm going to start updating way more often, and I am going to be making the chapters longer as more stuff is happening. Please comment and vote! It would mean a lot ! I need to know if anyone's actually reading this!!!

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