Hello, sweetheart.

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" I love you, rowen"

Those were the last words that I heard come out of his mouth before him and the Boys disappeared in front of my cold eyes. The thought sunk into my skin, making my heart sink to my stomach. Harry's gone. He's gone.

I studied the 2 dead bodies laying motionless in the grass, blood everywhere. Who were they? A thousand thoughts were running through my mind. Did I lose harry for good? Would he come back? Why was he acting so strange? How did he find me? Did he really need me that much? But I already knew the answer to the last one. What he said wasn't true. I do need him as much as he needs me, maybe even more.

I turned around and examined the trembling girl on front of me.

"What the hell is going on here?" She screamed, he voice filled with fear and anger.

"Please let me explai-"

"What you need to explain is why there are 2 dead bodies laying in my front yard, who the hell those guys were, how they disappeared so fast, why the one guy was covered in blood, and what the fuck you guys were talking about!" She shouted walking into the house, me following.

"Let me explain, please hear me out" i pleaded.

"I'm listening." She leaned up against the wall, crossing her arms. She looked like she had just seen a monster, but what she hadn't known was.... She had.

"Things, things have been very complicated lately.." I trailed off, trying to think of a last minute excuse. I had nothing. She deserved an explication. She's a very understanding person from what I remember, but I know better then to think that this is gonna end well.

"That was harry, my boy- ex boyfriend." My eyes watered at the thought that I have lost him. "Listen, there's a lot of stuff going-"

"Get to the point" she spat in annoyance. I sucked in a breath and ran my hand though my hair. I promised I would tell, but I guess that's not an option right now.

I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. "They're.... They're vampires." I whispered, looking up to read the expression on her face. A single tear slid down her cheek.

"Get out."

I looked at her in shock. She didn't believe me, but I wouldn't blame her.


"I said get the fuck out of my house."

"Why? Do you not believe me?"

"Do I not believe you?" She screamed. "Rowen you're trying to tell me that your ex and his friends are vampires! You're mad. I let you stay in my house! I trusted you. I warned you rowen. You said you'd tell me the truth!"

"Let me-"

"Get out before I call the police."

I was taken back by her words. "Please believe me" I whispered. "I can prove it." I pleaded, running my finger over the faded bite marks on my neck.

"Get out, now."

I felt a cold tear make its way down my cheek. I nodded in responce, knowing there was no way to change her mind. I walked over to the door, picking up my suitcase, and stepping into the cold pavement of her front step, the door slamming behind me.

Where do I go now? Maybe I can.... No, that's not an option anymore.


"Harry slow the fuck down" I heard Louis' voice fill the empty street. I slowed my pace, lightly coming to a stop, a body bumping into me.

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