New Prisoner

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I woke up on a couch, me neck throbbing. I slowly sit up, hearing muffled voices coming from around me. I make out dark shadows across the room, my vision not fully returned to normal. My eyes clear up and i see a group of guys across from me. I try and make out what they're saying. 

"You can't keep doing this Harry! Bringing home poor innocent girls home like this. Let her go, the poor girl must be scared to death." I heard one of the guys say. 

"Maybe i don't wanna let her go, i wanna keep her around for a while. There's something about her, i like it." I heard a familliar voice beam through my ears. No one has noticed that i have woken up yet, so i'm gonna take advantage of this moment. I slowly pull my body off of the couch, not making a single sound. I slowly and silently make my way onto what seems to be the kitchen, looking for a weapon. I rummage through droors, cupboards, i can't find anything. I start to panic, were they all vampires? I turn around, something instantly bumping into me.

"Looking for something?" I look up and see 2 dark green eyes staring down at me. "Did you really think it was gonna be that easy? I can smell your blood from a mile away." He snarled in my ear, grabbing me by the waiste and dragged me back intot the room with the guys in it. I look up and see 4 blank faces staring back up at me. 

"Hello boys, meet Rowen." he said, tightening his grip around my shoulders. I cried out in pain, he was really strong. 

"Harry let go, you're hurting her" one of them snapped, pulling him off of me. 

"Don't worry, we won't hurt you" the guy looked me in the eyes, i nodded in responce. "Speak for yourself"

"Harry shut up, he won't hurt you." He said pulling me closer.  I look at the other 3 guys standing in front of me, seeing the blonde one looking at me intensly, licking his lips. 

"Please let me go home, i-i'm scared" I whimpered out in pain. "We can't do that, can we boys. You're gonna be staying here for a while weather you like it or not" I heard harry whisper in my ear. "Why not? I don't wanna be here, please" 

"Nope, you'll rat us out, we've made that mistake one to many times love." The dark haired one spoke up. 

"This is Niall" the guy said, pointing at the blonde one. "Zayn" he said motioning to the one with the dark hair and tattoos. "Louis, and I'm Liam. I'm pretty sure you've already met Harry" He said, giving harry a glare. Harry was looking me dead in the eyes. I started to feel nervous. "I'm feeling a little hungry, Rowen, wanna come with me for a second" Harry said, grabbing my arm with force. Louis and Niall immedeately pulling me out of his grip. 

"Harry no, controll yourself. There will be no more feeding off of her. Got it?" Louis looked him in the eye, giving him a serious look. "Don't tell me what to do, i'll do whatever the fuck i want" Harry said, grabbing me by the arm, pulling me into a room. 

"Please don't!" I pleaded, my body shivering. 

"Give me one good reason not to. I can smell your blood from over here, so sweet, so tender. I'll make it quick" He said stepping towards me. His dark eyes were fized on my throbbing neck.  I shut my eyes as hard as i could, preparing myself for what's about to come. 

A loud thud fills my ears and i see Liam on top of Harry on the ground holding him down, but Harry's stronger. He comes darting at me full force, but is held back by Niall and Zayn.

"Harry calm down, you don't want to do this!" Niall screamed. I was left crying up against the wall, i have never been more frightened in my life. 

"Let go of me!" Harry screamed, veigns popping out of his neck. His fangs were hanging out, his eyes dark red. He looked pissed. He looked like a monster. 

"Harry, stop it." Louis soothed, and Harry's muscles loosened, his eys getting lighter, returning to their shade of dark green, his fangs disappearing. A rush of relief rushed over me. My breathing slowed. I looked up and saw 2 worried faces looking down on me. 

"are you ok?" Niall asked, pulling me into a hug. I sobbed into his shirt, holding into him tightly. 

"I-i'm scared" I cried ito his shoulder, loosing the ability to control myself any longer. I wanna go home.

~Harry's P.O.V.~ 

"What the hell is wrong with you Harry?" Louis pushed me back into the wall with full force, me returning the favor, so i was now on top of him. "I'm a vampire Louis, i can do whatever the hell i want, i don't need you guys to baby me." I spat back at him. 

"You don't want to hurt her, i can see it in your eyes" He looked at me intensly. "I don't give a single shit about that girl." I said turning away. "That's a lie Harry, I see the way you look at her. You've never looked at anyone that way." His voice beamed across the room. 

"The way i look at her? I look at her one way and one way only, a blood bag, nothing more. Now, if you excuse me, i'm gonna go for a little walk." I said, heading out the door. "Dont do anything stupid!" He shouted behind me. "You know i will" 

I have no idea what Louis was talking about, i hate Rowen, nothing more. I don't do feelings, never will. I can do whatever the hell i want, i'm a vampire, i'm powerfull, i'm in charge. In fact, i am a little hungry myself, being pulled away from my lunch half an hour ago. I spot a fit brunette walking by the movie theatre. I lick my lips, feeling my eyes turn red. The rush of hunger washes over me, and in a single secong, i'm in front of the girl, looking into her eyes. 

"Come with me" I say in a steady voice, not breaking eye contact. She nodded, walking after me, into an alley behing the building. "Don't scream, i continue, sinking my fangs into her neck, the taste of blood instantly filling my mouth. My body loosened, and i pulled away, just enough so i wouldn't kill her. 

"This never happened. Leave" I looked into her eyes as she left the alley. Good blood, but not as good as Rowen's. 

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