The human always ends up dead.

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"Let her go!" I screamed as I threw the man to the ground. "Harry stop!" Her limp body screamed. I kicked the man in the stomach, only to be thrown on the ground. I grasped the chair, breaking my fall. I looked up slowly, the sight in front of me sending a huge rush of rage and betrayal through me. "You bastard."

My head shot up, instantly throwing the blankets off my body. I fell asleep on the couch last night I'm guessing. I moved the pillow to the other side of my body, as I made myself comfortable. I checked the clock beside me. 9:47am.

I picked myself up of the couch, making my way over to the basement door. I headed down the stairs, and went into the bathroom. I turned on the light as it burned my eyes. I stared at myself in the mirror. Dark bags filled the space underneath my eyes. My skin pale as a ghost, no color what so ever. My throat was urging for the feel of fresh blood.

I stripped down into only my boxers, when something on my right hip caught my eye. It was a scar, a scar I've never noticed before. It was in the shape of a triangle. I let it slide, thinking that it was just a scar from my run in with Jared's little helpers.

I stepped into the shower, letting the hot water relax my muscles. I grabbed the shampoo bottle, squeezing the life out of it, but nothing came out.

"Fuck" I cursed, just standing there motionless.

A sharp pain ran through my body, and I fell to the ground with a thud. I groaned, more like screamed, as my head hit the hard bathtub floor. My eyes closed, images rushing into my head.


"Harry, go!" I heard a woman scream. "You know what to do, go, please!" She said trying to keep the rattling door from bursting open. I shook my head. "I'm not leaving you! I don't know what to do, I'm not ready!" I screamed, the thuds and bangs from the other side of the door becoming louder.

"You can do this, you were made for this. Go!" She pleaded. I shook my head in agreement, disappearing into thin air. I found myself on top of a building, watching the scene break out. The door burst open, tens, hundreds of vampires filling the room. I heard a scream which made my head turn. "No!" I screamed as I watched the action in front of me. I saw a limp body laying lifeless on the floor. "Please don't be...." My voice trembled as the room cleared up. There she was, her face and body covered in blood.

I rushed back to her side, tears falling from my eyes. "Please come back" I cried, not knowing what to do. "I can't do this, you can't leave me!" I shook her still body. Her eyes slightly opened. A rush of relief washed over me.

"Harold, you are stronger then you could ever imagine. You have to carry on, you can do this. We knew this would happen eventually. You're ready. I love you, I believe in you." Were her last words, before I knew she was gone.

I looked at the shiny object that lay in her hand. It was a necklace. I slowly picked it up from her grasp. I examined it. It was a red diamond, held by a silver chain. It started to glow, sending rays of light in every direction.

I heard footsteps and voices coming from around me. I gripped the necklace in my hand before I was gone.


I opened my eyes, feeling the softness of my bed sheets underneath me. I looked around the room, my vision still blurry. My eyes followed the dark figure in the corner of the room.

"Hey, you're awake" I herd Louis' voice fill the room. My vision returning to normal. "Wasn't I in the shower?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Yeah, for an hour. The lads and I started to worry. When we knocked multiple times and you didn't answer, I kicked the door down." He said motioning to the door laying on its side against the wall.

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