I'm in control

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I woke up with a cold feeling on my neck. I open my eyes, immedeately recalling what happened earlier. I'm still in the basement, laying in the couchh. I lift my hand up to my neck, feeling a cold cloth laying over where harry bit me. I look to my left, to see harry sitting in the chair, playing with his thumbs. I let out a grunt, letting him know i'm awake. His head shot up, him immedeately rushing to my side. "I am so sorry baby, i tried to stop, i really did, but i hadn't had blood in such-" I cut him off, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. "It's ok, you'll get better at controlling it." He helped me up, my head instantly rejecting the change in motion, i just about fell over when he caught me. "Here, get on my back" he motioned. "No, harry I'm fine" I objected. 

"Rowen, get on my freaking back, please. You're in no condition to be walking. I did this to you, it's the least i could do" He said. I jumped on his back, his arms holding my legs up for support, he dashed up the stairs in a blur, wind blowing my hair into my face. He opened the door at the top of the stairs, stepping through. I hopped off his back, him immedeately pulling me under his arm, kissing me on the forhead. I felt safe. 

We were greeted by a whole bunch of ooos when everybody witnessed out pda. "Harry finally manned up, huh?" Louis laughed, patting him on the shoulder. I looked over to niall who had a sad look on his face. I instantly felt horrible. Did i make Niall feel like he maybe had a chance to be in Harry's place right now? He looked up at me with sad eyes, before exiting the room. I wanted to go and comfort him, see if he was okay, but harry pulled me back, keeping a tight grip on my arm. 

"He'll be fine, let him be" He whispered in my ear. "No, harry let go of me" I demanded, rushing after Niall. I knocked on his door. "Niall? Can i come in?" I knocked, it opened before my eyes, revealing a very sad looking Niall. 

I pulled him into a hug, and i felt a cold tear land on my shoulder. He was draining the happiness right out of me right now. "Niall, stop" I pulled away. He looked me in the eye. "I'm sorry, it's just, this isn't the first time that harry's done this to me." He said, looking at the ground.

"What do you mean?" I asked, leading him down to the bed. "I used to like this girl, Alicia, she was perfect. I brought her here for a while, but harry killed her. He was hungry, and he couldn't control himself, i watched him suck the life out of her, it was the worst thing i have ever expierienced." I felt a tear run down my cheek, would harry really do that? 

"And here i was, thinking that i would have a chance with you, but harry just swoops in, and he-" no more words came out of his mouth. "Niall, i'm so sorry that happened, you'll find someone, i promise" I soothed in his ear. I kissed him on the cheek, standing up. 

"Yeah, i know. I guess i just thought that it would be you." I heard him say from behind me. Those words hit me like a brick.  I stopped in my tracks, i wan going to turn, but i saw harry looking at me through the doorway. I'll let him be. 

I walked over to harry, him pulling me into his chest. "I feel so bad" I said quietly. "How could you do that to him?!" I snapped, pulling away. "Rowen, that was 3 years ago, i didn't know what i was doing, i apologized to him for a month straight after that" He said, pulling me back into him. 

"whatever" I sighed, walking into the living room, joining all of the boys, and niall. 

"Where's harry?" Liam asked. "I'm right here" I heard Harry's voice bean through the living room. I immedeately put his hands around my waiste. I pushed him away, feeling Niall's gaze on us. "What?" Harry whispered in my ear. I ignored him, walking over to the couch, taking a seat next to Liam. I could see the anger in Harry's eyes. I liked it. I still haven't gotten him back for the hell he caused me my first couples days here. I'm gonna have some fun with this. 

We all sat there in silence, it was very awkward. "I'm gonna go take a shower" I announced, heading down to the basement. Once i closed the door behind me, i stipped off, turning the hot water on. I stepped in, instantly getting lost in the hot water. It felt so good. I turned the hot water off, stepping out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my dripping body. I walked out of the bathroom, my hair dripping down my back. Remembering that i am only in a towel, i throw on a bra and underwear. I'm about to throw on some jeans when i heard a chuckle from behind me. I jumped, not realizing someonewas there. I turned around seeing Harry with a huge smile on him face.

"You cheeky bastard" I laughed, trying to cover myself up. I was about to slip my leg into my jeans when something ripped them out of my hand. "Harry what-" I was interupted. "I'd much rather you kept them off" he whispered in my ear. A shiver ran down my back. "I'm cold" I wined. It was true, it's freezing down here. 

"I'll warm you up" He said, closing the gap between out bodies. His body heat was warm, making me feel safe. He started kissing up my jaw, making his way to my mouth. I didn't kiss back, i wasn't done with him yet, i haven't had enough fun. 

He grunted, and looked at me. "Kiss me back" I smlied to myself and walked away. "Rowen, get back here. Now" He demanded. I felt powerfull. I disobeyed, and kept walking away. "Rowen" He said, i could hear the anger and want in his voice, my stomach was turning. I'm in control now. 

"Get your ass over her, or i'm going to come and get you" He said, i could hear the smirk on his lips. I wasn't giving in on him, no matter how much i wanted too. 

I felt something push me up against the wall, and i felt some loose curls on the back of my cheek. He spun me around in one swift movement. "I don't like being teased baby girl" he whispered in my ear, turning me on more and more every second. "You think you're in control, do you? Well it doesn't work like that babe" He said kissing my earlobe. "I'm in charge here, not you, got it" He said, backing away from me. I was expecting him to lunge forward and slam his lips onto mine, wich i was desperately awaiting, but nothing. He disappeared in a flash, and i was left in the basement, all by myself. Fuck he was good. 

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