You're safe

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~Rowen's P.O.V~ 

We were all spread out along the 2 couches, with multiple bags of popcorn. My head was on Harry's chest, and i was focusing on the movment of his chest, up and down. We are watching the conjuring, and i'm scared out of my mind. Every once in a while i let out a few screams, cries, beg for them to turn it off, but they just laugh and turn up the volume. Stupid bloodsuckers. 

I scream as the demon pops up on the screen, causing harry's grip on my stomach to tighten. He leaned his head down onto mine. "It's just a movie, i'll protect you, always" He said, kissing me on the forehead. I feel so safe with Harry, he always tells me how he would never let anyone lay a finger on me. It makes me feel protected. 

The movie is finally over, and Niall gets up to turn on the lights. I saw the boys looking at me, starting to feel self concious. "What!" I snapped, they just silently laughed. I made my way into the bathroom, wondering what they were all staring at. Now i get it.

I had black lines of mascara running down my cheeks from crying. I'm such a baby when it comes to horror movies, i don't even know how they convinced me to watch it. I grabbed a wash cloth, covering it in hot water, rubbing the mascara lines off of my cheeks. I dab my face dry with a towel, not even bothering to apply new mascara.

I opened the door, when i smack into a hard figure. Guess who. "Hey, watch it" I sighed, pushing past the curly haired boy in front of me. "Babe, i didn't know horror movies freaked you out that much. You know we didn't have to watch it, we could of come down here and cuddled instead, or something else" He said with a smirk. "I would of rather done that" He said, snaking his arms around my waiste. 

"They just scare me, they feel so real" I leaned my head onto his chest. "I would never let anything hurt you, i promise you that. You're safe with me, always." I nodded, hugging him tighter, him resting his head on the top of mine. "I know" I smiled, pulling away. I looked into his dark green eyes, as he leaned his face into mine. Our lips were about to touch when i quickle turned around, and started running away. I could here him growl mixed with a laugh. I was stupid to think that i could out run him. 

I was at the bottom of the staircase when harry laned right in front of me, looking me in the eyes. "You shouldn't of done that" He said as his eyes got 10 shades darker, fangs appearing at each sides of his mouth. I scream out, before his fangs gash their way through the skin on my neck, pain rushing through my body. 

"Harry, what are you-" I was cut off by harry picking me up by the neck, throwing me across the room. I landed on my back with a thud. 

"Look at me Rowen! This is what i am! I'm a monster, you're stupid to be with me, i'll only hurt you" He growled mixed with a scream. His eyes were hooked on my neck, licking his newly covered bloody lips, coming closer.

"Harry please don't" I cried out, but it was too late. Harry dashed at me, slamming his fangs into my neck, i screamed as loud as i could. All i saw was a monster, not my harry. 

My body jerked up, me now in the sitting position. I had sweat running down my face, and newly wet tears on my cheeks. Harry woken up by movements, shoots his head around with a worried look on his face. "Baby what's wrong?" He said, pulling me into his chest. I couldn't control the tears pouring out from my eyes. 

"Shhh, it was just a dream" he cooed in my ear, stroking my hair, intertwining his legs with mine. Was it?

"Shhh, go back to sleep, i'm here" hearing his voice calmed me, i slowly shut my eyes, images of harry darting at me with his fangs out filled my mind. I shot my eyes open, and my body twitched. Harry turned towards me. 

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