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[Harry's p.o.v]

"Where the fuck is she?" I growl as I try and resist the chains forcefully holding my place. I see an amused expression cover Jared's face and he takes a step closer. He opens his mouth to speak, but just studies my features instead.

"Where's who, Harry?" he says coming closer. Oh what I would do to smack that smirk right off his face.

"Her, where is she?" I'm almost yelling now but my weak vocal cords won't allow me to do so.

"Who is 'she''?

My mind buzzes... I try and think, but her name just doesn't come.

"R... I can't remember..." I start to panic. Why can't I remember her name?

"Wonderful." he says turning around. What?

"What do you mean wonderful? I swear to fucking god if you don't let me out of here I will-"

"You will what?" he's staring blankly at me, not moving a single inch. I stay silent.

"Just what I thought. Now keep your mouth shut or I'll break your jaw."

I have never felt hatred this strong towards anyone in my entire life. I love this girl, at least I think I do.. well did.. did I? Of course I did, I loved her far before any of this shit happened and I intend to love her long afterwards. "It's impossible for a vampire to love a human", well, as we have made pretty clear, I am no ordinary vampire.

"No." I say loud enough for him to hear and snap his head in my direction.

"No what?" he says, his tone full of warning.

"I'm not gonna let this happen. I love her, we love each other." I say, my voice weak, I probably look pathetic to him. He lets out a small forced laugh.

"You don't love her. You think you do, the link made you think you do. This isn't so bad after all, once you change you'll realize that. It's for the better, she will be out of your life and you'll be back where you belong."

"I don't belong here." I spit, once again trying to break out of the chains. I shake my head at my pointless attempt.

"You keep thinking that. Oh and one more thing."

I wait in silence as he walks over to the door.

"She sure as hell doesn't love you."

[Rowens p.o.v.]

And I fell. I'm falling. There is nothing but positivity going through my mind as I fall to my death, letting this whole thing be a dream, ending it all. Harry will finally be free. I will be in peace, hopefully he will be too, but a part of me knows it won't just end like that. This isn't how I imagined I would die. I always thought my death would be more natural, an old lady in an old folks home just peacefully sleeping and is lucky enough to never wake up again, not forcing myself through a glass wall and jumping to my end. My end.

"What will harry do when he finds out you're dead? Your parents, friends?" My conscience buts in, waking me from my positivity. My heart beats out of my chest, threatening to burst any moment.

"It will be okay" I keep telling myself, no matter how much I know otherwise.

I look to the side, the cold pavement becoming an even larger image as I get closer to the ground.

I take one last deep breath, and I think of him. I think of how this will all be over in a matter of seconds. Or will it? My last thought is of him before I force my eyes shut as hard as I can preparing for what's about to come.

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