I hate you.

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I walked through the door, keys dangling from my mouth. I had 2 bags in each hand overflowing with groceries. I made my way into the kitchen, plopping the bags down on the counter with a thud.

I hung the keys up on the nail in the wall, and made my way into the living room. "Hello?" I shouted, the house was quiet. "Is anyone home?" I yelled, no response filling my ears.

"Rowen?" I heard a shout come from the basement, it was harry. "Can you come down here please" he called, as I followed the sound of his voice into the basement.

"Where are-" I was cut off by something grabbing my arm. "Where the hell were you?" He snapped, eyes darkening. My heart stopped, what is his problem?

"I just went out to get groceries, you know that. Calm down" I snapped pulling out of his tight grasp. He snarled. "Don't talk to me like that. You were gone for an hour rowen. The store is 5 minutes away."

"I went there and back, what else would I do harry? What is your problem?" I shifted to the right, walking away from him.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like something's a little off." He apologized. I turned around to face him. "Off?" I asked puzzled. He nodded, running his hand through his hair.

"I don't know, i just want you to be safe baby girl" he said pulling me closer. I rested my head in his chest, exhaling lightly. I pulled away. "Why wouldn't i be safe?" I questioned, taking a step back. He looked lost in thought.

"You are, I just wanna make sure that I can protect you at all times." He said waking closer, his eyes returning to their piercing shade of green.

"Harry, I'm perfectly capable of taking care I myself, I'm a grown woman. I should be able to go to the grocery store without you flipping tables." I stated.

"I know baby, I jut need to protect you."

"What from? I'm fine, nothing's gonna hurt me." I walked over to the bed.

"You don't know that, I don't know that." He mumbled. He's starting to make me worry. Why is he so off lately? Why is everyone so off lately?

"I can take care of myself." I spat.

"Can you?" He questioned. I can't believe him. He probably looks at me as some innocent helpless little girl, but I'm not, and I need to prove that to him. "Yes I can." I pointed out, a smirk playing up on his lips.

"Now baby girl, I don't think you can. Let's not remember when you almost got your ass raped last month, and who was there to rescue you?" He took my hand in his, sitting down beside me. How dare he brig that up. I pulled my hand away, he looked taken back.

"Screw you harry" I said while waking up the flight of stars. "Where do you think you're going?" He yelled, close behind me. "Out." I said with no emotion. He cant just push me around, he doesn't own me. And I'm gonna show him that.

"No you're not, you're not leaving this house." He spun me around. I pushed him backwards, him slightly tumbling.
"You don't own me, I can do whatever the hell I want." I demanded.

I was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and muffled voices from the other room. I looked to my right and saw the rest of the boys standing in the doorway.

"Are we interrupting something?" Louis asked with a smirk, a smirk that I wanted to slap right off his face. I looked over at niall, who looked slightly amused, but pissed at the same time. He really gets on my nerves. He thinks that he can get under my skin and into my head. The worst part is, he can, and he knows it.

"No you're not, I was just leaving actually." I stated, grabbing the door knob. "No you're not." Harry replied, grabbing my wrist. I winced at the sudden pain rushing through my arm. Louis quickly pulled him off me.

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