Unexpected surprises.

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~Harry's P.O.V~

My eyes widened when the words came out of his mouth, I almost didn't believe him. "What the fuck do you mean she's gone?" I got in his face, grabbing the collar of his shirt with my fist. He looked me in the eyes, opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He looked to the ground.

"She's gone, she's not coming back." He whispered, his face full of guilt. I gulped at his words, he was being serious. "What do you mean she's gone, niall what he hell happened?!" I shouted, trying to stop myself from ripping his heart out of his chest.

"I'm sorry mate, she left. She told us

not to go after her." He stated. I stared at him in disbelief. "That doesn't mean shit!" I screamed, I could feel the veins popping out of my neck. the four of them were staring at me blankly.

"Mate, let her go." Louis soothed, placing his hand ok my shoulder. "Fuck that." I said walking towards the door, grabbing the knob. I felt someone pull me back. It was zayn.

"You're making a fool of yourself. Get over it harry, it's done." And with that said, I was pinning him to the cold, hard floor. "Don't even fucking go there. You don't give a single shit about her, so you have no right or say in this. I want you to stay away from her, or you'll regret it." I said while picking myself up off of him.

"Harry-" his voice was cut off by the sound of the slamming door behind me. I took a step onto the cold pavement.

"It's not that easy." I said before disappearing into the cold darkness of the streets.

~Rowen's p.o.v~

It's done, and I'm not going back, no matter how tempting it may be. My slow walk quickened into a slight jog, into a fast sprint. Wind blew through my hair as cold raindrops tricker end down my face, falling down my chin.

I took in the scenery around me, nothing but darkness, the average street light giving off some clarity. My hair began to stick to my cheeks.

I walked up to the doorstep, picking up the spare key from behind the plant. I turned the door knob, and let the heart of my apartment surround me.

I quickly dashed upstairs, butting open my door. I honestly have no idea what's gotten into me right now. I think the alcohol has set into my system. I honestly didn't wanna leave harry, but if I don't take advantage of this moment, I may never get the chance again. It's done.

I kicked the suitcase out of my closet, throwing in multiple random articles of clothing, not even checking. I know that I dot have much time until harry or one of them shows up, he wouldn't just let me leave like this. I know he wouldn't.

A part of me wanted him to come and find me, another part didn't want me to be here when it happened.

I dragged my suitcase down the stairs, plopping it down at the bottom. A thought ran trough my mind. Where do I go? A part I me was screaming to turn back, to be under Harry's protection again. But I knew that part would make me regret it later.

An idea came up and I bolted my way into the kitchen, grabbing an address book off of the shelf. I flipped the pages as a familiar name popped out. I grabbed my jacket, suitcase, and my shoes, and I headed out the door, hoping this would work.

~Harry's p.o.v~

I bolted up to her door, banging multiple times with force. "Rowen, baby please don't do this" I screamed, knocking like a maniac. I banged 5 more times, but it was silent. Fuck.

"Rowen, dont make me come in there, you're not gonna win this fight" I screamed, starting to fill with worry. That was it, if she's not coming out, I'm coming in.

I took a couple steps back, then darted forward with all my force, the door breaking down before me. I took a step in to silence. She wasn't here. I took a look around, and headed up to her bedroom. It was a mess. I looked at the articles of clothing sprawled across the room, and something caught my eye. My shirt was laying on my bed, attached to a note. I walked over, reading the piece l paper now in my hand.

"Dear harry, I know that you wouldn't just let this go, and this is the first place you'd come. I'm sorry, but you knew that I couldn't stay with you guys, it just wouldn't work. I'm not happy harry, I had a life and I got it all pulled away from me. I need to move on, and I need you to forget about me. I'm gone, and I don't want you to come after me, please. You need to find someone of your own kind to keep you happy, and we both know there's someone out there.

I don't love you harry. And I never did. It was all an act. I hate you, I hate all of you filthy bloodsuckers and I never wanna see any of you again. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. You need to move on, starting now. From now on, rowen is just another name, not a person you know. It's done harry, I'm gone, and I'm not coming back. I'm sorry, but it had to happen. Goodbye, harry.


I stared at the paper in disbelief, that's all bullshit. That is all bullshit. I'm not fucking buying that. Does she really think it's gonna be that easy? She ant just leave.

I headed back downstairs, thinking of possible places she could of gone. Nothing. She's not here, so where else? I searched the living room for a sign or some kind of clue, but nothing.

I walk into the kitchen, searching all the counters, when something fought the corner of my eye. Jackpot.

I picked up the address book, reading the writing in the middle of the page. I love how she's so stubborn, she doesn't think ahead.

I picked up the book and headed through the door, slamming it shut. I read the address over and over, looking left to right, figuring out where to start. I decide right, and sped down the street in a flash.

It's been about 15 minutes and I have no idea where the fuck I am. I brought one of my hands up to my hair and ran it through my curls. It's now raining, and I'm starting to wt frustrated.

I walk down the street for a couple minute, looking around for the street.

I turn around, then back forward. I have absolutely no idea where I am.

I'm looking around when I heard a muffled voice from behind me. I whipped around and saw a sight that made me completely freeze, unable to move. Fuck. A smirk played up on the mans lips.

"Hello, little brother."

Hi ! Sorry for any spelling errors, I was to lazy to read it over so no promises on good grammar. Sorry this chapter is a little short, I didn't really know what to do, but hopefully it turned out good. Please comment and vote with feedback.

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