8| Violet

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Chapter eight.

I sat crossed legged on the spare bed in Liz's house. Which is basically my mine now.

There were three soft knocks at the door.

"Coming," I said quietly and got up to answer the door.

I flanged my legs over the side of the bed. I'm too short to touch the ground. I stood up and tip toed over to the door.

Pulling it open to see Luke. He was leaning on the door frame. A small smile tugging on his lips.

"Hi," He said in his deep voice. His tall frame towing over me.

I pushed a smile on my face. "What do you want Luke?" I said leaning on the door as well.

"Just wanted to say hi," He shrugged. I stared at him a bit confused. "Just to say hi? Is that all?" I asked standing up straight again.

He brought his hand up to touch his lips. I stared intensely at him, watching everything his does.

"Uh- yeah. Now that I think of it, it's was a stupid reason. I- I should go.." He turned around ready to leave when I jumped and grabbed his forearm.

I startled him. "You don't have to go so soon. Uh- do you want to come in or something?" I asked pushing my long bangs out of my eye view.

He smiled again. "Would love too," I moved out of the way so he could walk in.

"Love what you done with the place," He said looking around. "I didn't do anything?" I asked confused.

He flopped face-first on my bed laughing. "I know."


"Uh- Luke?"


"This is really uncomfortable."

"Well if you fall, it'll be even more uncomfortable." He laughed.

We are currently playing Twister. I'm inches from straddling Luke. He spun the arrow until it stopped.

"Left foot red." He said and looked for red and which foot to move. I did the same.

"Shit," I mumbled. I knew if I put my foot there I was going to fall. I took the chance. "Fuck!" I yelled and fell on top of Luke, him falling with me.

"Whoa," he whispered. I opened my eyes, I was now straddling Luke, my arms above his head while his are around my waist. Our faces were dangerously close.

I looked up into Luke's crystal eyes. There were already on mine. I couldn't seem to look away. His deep blue eyes burned into my dark brown ones.

My heart picked up speed. "Oh fuck."


Hiiiiiiii! How'd you guys like the letter chapter? I personally loved it!


Edited c:
Re-Edited c: 2018

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