15| Violet

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Chapter fifteen.

"Hey guys!" Perrie cheered and clapped her hands together, even though everyone was already eyeing us out.

Especially me, I felt naked. I looked down slightly to check if I was. I wasn't.

"As you all probably already know, this is Violet." Perrie smiled and gestured to me.

"So, I just picked up a chipmunk from- hello," Louis walked and saw me and started smiling. He had dirt all over his pants and hands, a few spots on this face.

He looked like a child, who just came inside for dinner. Oh wait. Not dinner, um to get a toy? Okay, that'll do.

"Hi." I murmured, Liam shot up to help Louis get cleaned. But when Liam tired to get Louis to the bathroom, Louis pulled away and kept starring at me, basically drooling.

I felt uncomfortable. I slowly waved at him, he took the opportunity to take my hand- without asking. He pulled me to him in swift motion.

"I'm kinda dirty, can you help me?" He winked and my eyes widen.

What the hell does that mean?!

I looked back to Perrie and she shrugged and went to cuddle Zayn. I looked back to Louis, he had let me go and was on the floor screaming at a snail named Jimmy to run faster.

"Fuck it." I said and took Louis by the arm and pulled him down the hall to get cleaned up. "You said a bad word." Louis said as I sat him down on the toilet seat.

He immediately put his hands on his knees and swung around giggling. I stepped back and grabbed a small towel and got it damp, and went back to Louis.

"You still haven't said why you swore." He smiled up at me, showing his teeth a bit. I couldn't help but smile down at him. He was so bubbly and happy. It's contagious.

"I don't have a good enough reason." I said while helping him wash his hands, but Louis mostly did that part. "Then why did you even say it." He said more in a sassy way then a question.

"You kn-" I got cut off by Louis. He had jumped off of the toilet and onto the floor and was pretending he was a kitty and started purring and snuggled my leg.

I pushed him away only for him to come right back and cuddle me even more. I started to laugh when he meowed. He was a great kitty. Remarkable even.

I took the towel from the seat and started to wash his face, at first he hissed at me and clawed me. But he had no claws so, fail.

After about a minute, he snapped out of being a kitty and became the sexually Louis that asked me before to help him clean himself up.

"I like the way you use your hands," he said starring directly into my eyes. I looked back to his too. They weren't the blue I remember, they weren't even blue anymore. They were black.

"Oh god." I said slowly.



Looooouuuuiiiissss! Yaaaaaay! I LOVE THAT GUY!

So gave you a bit if Lou, I will probably continue what happens next in the next chapter not just skip it:)

Just for you guys being so great!!

Love you. X

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Edited c: 2018

Hi! This is 2018 me here and I just want to make something clear, LOUIS IS A FULLY GROWN MAN. HE WAS WHEN I STARTED THIS STORY AND HE STILL IS NOW. I don't know why I made him act like such a child but I guess he was just a silly dude and I made him like this but Louis is a grown guy and I apologize to him for making him like this lol it's pretty cringy. X

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