Chapter 2 - 첫날 (CHEOS-NAR)[First Day]

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My phone blared it's alarm right at 2:00 am. Great. Now I have to get ready for my photo shoot. I got up and changed into a flowy white tanktop, distressed denim shorts that went to my mid-thigh, and white vans. My crystal necklace glistened as I went through my excessive skin care routine and brushed my straight hair so it ran down my back. My hands shuffled through one of my boxes to get my black tasseled leather bag, placing my phone, wallet, dorm key, motorcycle key, and necessities; AKA my charger. Before leaving I filled in all the doggy bowls with water and food and snagged my brown leather jacket and black motorcycle helmet, tucking it under my arm. I opened my door and walked toward the stairs, seeing a few idols exiting the elevator just as I locked my door.

'Jimin and Namjoon? Why would they be up so early? Maybe practicing.'

"Good morning."I smile, waving at them as they tiredly smiled towards me.

They glanced at my dorm door, figuring I was their new neighbor, entering their own dorm they shared with the others. It felt awkward. I knew all of the idols at BigHit. They were my 'senpai's in Japanese I guess. They were my role models. But none of them have heard of me since I haven't debuted yet.

'2 more weeks. Just 2 more weeks.'

I sped walked across the street and entered the restaurant.

"Good morning unnie!"I beam.

"Ah- Hello Roxi! I've made some miso soup for you. I've heard from the company that you are fond of it."

"Oh yes! Thank you."I praise, rubbing my hands together and looking around the room to see that I was the only other person in here."When do the other idols usually come?"

"Around 5 or 6. But I start cooking at 3."she says."There are many many people to feed. So I must get all the meals ready as soon as possible"

"I usually wake up at 2, would it be alright it I helped?"I ask, quietly sipping my soup.

"Oh you don't have to! You have so much to do! Wouldn't it mess with your schedule?"she gasps, I could see her shaking her head from the kitchen.

"No, I haven't debuted yet. And...this place reminds me home. I want to be of use as much as I can."I explain.

"Alright, only if you can okay!"she chuckles."You're such a good girl Roxi-chan."

I gulp the rest of my soup down and rub my mouth with a nearby napkin."Was that Japanese?"

"Yes it was. Japanese was my first language after all. Do you speak it? "

"Hai. (Yes.)"I assure."I guess I can call you sobo-san (Grandmother [formal]). Is that alright with you?"

"Hai hai."she smiles."You have many charms Roxi-chan."

"I bet you have many as well."I say."Ah, I should get going now. I'll be able to help you tomorrow morning. Today I have a photo shoot."

"Ah hai. Oi Roxi-chan. Take this."Unnie hands me some candies and pats my shoulder."Have fun today. Make sure to eat well."

"Thank you!"I bow, hurrying out with my stuff.

I walk across the street, seeing cars start to drive on the main roads just a few buildings down. I get to my motorcycle and put on my jacket and helmet. I start riding all the way to the dance studio that was riddled with security. Stopping at the gate I took out my ID and showed the man who let me in after searching through the data base. The silent parking lot released an eery aura as the parked my motorcycle near the entrance. The building was massive and modern looking, contrasting with the dorms' design. I walked inside to see a white walled room with high ceilings and a kind, lively receptionist at the front.

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