Chapter 47 - 을 텐데 (EUR-TENDE) [If Only]

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Once we had left city hall Jimin and I began walking back home. The strange thing was, he was completely silent. There was about a foot of space between us as we walked and all I could think about was how outlandish Jimin was acting.

'I shouldn't question it anyway.'

We silently walked past the frozen cars as red lights sent a similar tint towards the store windows. The street lights were dim and murals here and there looked more horrific than beautiful.

"Why didn't you tell me?"Jimin sighed, clicking his tongue.

"I didn't want you to worry."I say,"Look it's in the past now. That's why I didn't tell you."

"Exactly. That's why I'm worried."

"Jimin-oppa I swear, it's fine."

"If you were actually fine then you would've told me something. Maybe even a little hint. Now...all those times I assumed you have a I can't help but feel like I offended you somehow."he says,"Look. I promise I won't talk about it or bring it up unless you do."


"But just know that if you ever need someone to talk to I'm just next door."

'That's what the others said too.'

I just nodded, thinking that if I said 'Thanks' again I wouldn't sound too thrilled. I wasn't, not in the slightest. All I can say is that I have myself, sure I have friends but will they stay my friends in the long run? My life is a constant streak of bad luck and coincidences, so I wouldn't be surprised if sometime in the near future I would end up having to do something rash. With my work, my family, and some may say 'love life', I've been destined to be overwhelmed by day one.

'And to be honest, Yoongi and Tae are the only ones who haven't showed any sort of romantic feeling towards me. I'm hoping that it would stay that way.'

Jimin and I just kept walking toward the dorm, parting ways as we reached or doors with our backs to one another. The feeling of his aura was something I couldn't look over. 

"Look Roxi-ah, I know you probably feel numb and cold towards me. But just a word of advice from a friend...Please don't hide your past, whatever you're doing now is just going to catch up to you when you least expect it."

'Oh if only he knew. If only he knew the whole story about my parents. But what say do I have in what he should know? I barely know anything myself.'

"Jimin-oppa, I'll try to take your advice to heart."I say, entering my dorm without a look back at him.

It was like a weight of stress unmounted itself from my shoulders once I turned the lock. 

'If I could keep my memories locked in a room and throw away the key, life would be much easier.'

Jimin P.O.V

I walked into the dorm, half of myself trusting Roxi while the other half sent pulsing warning signs to the back of my mind. Roxi is one to lie, she is one to hide, I am too. It's only natural for people to feel this way, and in her situation I wouldn't feel surprised if she gave as much thought to my advice as she gives a piece of trash laying on the street. I toss my jacked onto a chair and sigh loudly, it's been a long day. Just as I walked into the living room, Jin was sitting on the couch. It was funny, this scene reminded me of when troublesome teens would come home at midnight after sneaking out only to get caught by their parents in movies. Jin looked at me up and down before pouting with his arms crossed.

"You didn't answer my calls and you had the decency to forget to buy me candy?"he pouted, shrugging his shoulders.

I didn't know whether he was scolding me like a dad or if he was acting like a child deprived of candy and sugar. Part of me felt like the eldest in this situation. I hid my stress with a forced grin and shook my head.

"Sorry hyung, it was getting really dark. I'll buy you some candy tomorrow."I say, seeing him study my face before sighing.

"You really are such a manipulative kid. Making me stay up to make sure you get home safe and now you're making excuses."he wags a finger at me while he spoke,"Did you know I need at least 5 hours of beauty sleep nowadays? It's like you with exercise! You have a six-pack and I have my bag-pack!"

He then points to his eye bags,"Get it? Because it sounds like backpack an- whatever it's probably too late to tell you jokes. All you need to know is that I have eye bags now!"

I laughed, a small squeak coming from the back of my throat. If he knew my actions were faked Jin would blow a fuse. Jin shook his head and patted my head, telling me to eat some dinner before going to bed. I open the fridge to see he's made eggs over rice tonight. Again. I look at the clock and frown.

'If I ate now I'd get a stomach ache in the morning.'

"Wah Jiminie."

I look to the side to see Hoseok waddling out of our room, his hand resting against the kitchen's door frame to keep steady while the other hand was rubbing at his tired red eyes from oversleeping.

"Good evening hyung."

"Now now, what are you still doing up?"Hoseok asks, ruffling my head with little to no care of the arrangement of my hair."It's late you need some sleep."

"It's fine hyung, I'll be practicing with you tomorrow. So you'll be able to watch over me."

"I guess."Hoseok shrugged."Where'd you go?"

"I went to town hall with Roxi-ah."

"Why'd you go there? It's so late and it must've been a pain."

"W-Well..."I start, hearing Hoseok begin to boil some water,"Not to be secretive, but I think you should ask her yourself."

Hoseok nodded and pursed his lips,"Nah, I bet it's no big deal. After all, people need to have their own secrets."

'Dude if you knew what Roxi was hiding you wouldn't be saying this now.'

"So are you going to bed or what?"he asked, taking out some coffee packets."I'll just be doing some studying."

"I don't think I'll be able to sleep hyung."I mumble.

"I'll stay up with you until you fall asleep then."Hoseok smiles,"Namjoon and Taehyung are still awake too, so if you'd rather hang with them I wouldn't mind."

"Actually, I'd be alright with you staying up with me."I chuckle, "I'll just sleep on the couch I guess."

"Alright I'll be right there."Hoseok stirs his coffee."And Jiminie."


"Please stay safe. If you want to go on walks make sure to tell us first."

I nod, but kept my lips shut.

'I know you love her hyung, but I love her more.'

If only it was that easy to say.

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