Chapter 60 - 도움 (DO-UM) [Help]

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Roxi P.O.V

"I don't know what to do anymore."I cried, sitting in the mostly empty restaurant with Sobo-san and Lim-unnie.

I had explained my predicament to them and they sat at the table infront of me with mouths agape, speechless at the scale of my situation.

"Wow, you were able to get seven mens' heart, all from the same group! Who knew you had such charm!"praised Lim-unnie.

"Lim-unnie this is serious. I need to choose someone. This all started because of me so I'm going to end it."I say."I know I said I wasn't ready for love, but now I realize, I've had so much time to deal with all of this, so why not deal with having a boyfriend to get rid of the rest of these problems?"

"Is that love or desparation?"chuckled Sobo-san.

"I mean...I love all of them. And I mean, I kissed all of them...every single one of them are sweet and have their own charms. I never thought of them as potential boyfriends until now. And now that I think of it, it's so hard to even choose. It's like finding a bias in a group full of biaswreckers."I groan, gripping my hair."What am I supposed to do? They're expecting an answer from me. They're good people so they won't have cold blood if I don't choose a specific person, but at the same time this is going to change my relationship with every single one of them."

"Just follow your heart."said Sobo-san.

"My heart tends to lead me into a ditch."I sigh."This is so difficult. I don't want to hurt any of them in the process of choosing, and if I do choose someone, I need to know that I really do have feelings for them and that I'm not just doing this out of guilt."

"So tell us about each one of them."said Lim-unnie."Give us an overview or something."

I sigh, and bring back even the earliest memories of the boys and I before reciting from my heart.

-Jungkook Story-

"Jungkookie is younger than me by three years. He's very sweet and cute. He gave me a note with his phone number saying he wanted to hangout, but I didn't know the note was about him until a few week after Yoongi-oppa had given it to me. We first hung out at the park until late at night, so late that Yoongi-oppa ended up scolding him through text. The two of us didn't want to face Yoongi-oppa's rage right away so we decided to sneak into my dorm and he stayed the night with me. We talked about life and just relaxed. It was refreshing. Then in Osaka, Jimin-oppa told me that Jungkookie had brought me to our hotel room when I fell asleep on the bus next to him. He had sat next to me everywhere on that trip and I just felt very comfortable with him. When we came back to Korea Jungkook realized that the others had taken a liking towards me as well, and that was where he confessed to me but I quickly rejected him. Ever since then he began giving me presents and cheezy love letters that made my heart flutter and cringe at the same time. And then he confessed again...this time he told me everything and kissed me. I left quickly and that's all that happened between Jungkookie and I. To be honest, I think he was the one that created the least amount of stress for me, because he was straightforward to the very end."

-Taehyung Story-

"Tae-oppa is a totally different story from Jungkookie though. In the beginning Tae-oppa and I would hangout like friends. He was very funny and loved to tease me constantly, I just felt at home with him. But then, the two of us needed to go to Daegu since he didn't want to go see his parents by himself. I got to know another side of him that was even more childish yet noglastic at the same time. That was where we found out that our parents had planned for us to be married at around this time. But since my parents died, the deal was off and Tae-oppa and I didn't need to get married. I never even knew about the deal, neither did Tae-oppa. I guess that kinda set him off and he began to think about the 'what could've been's and the 'what if' questions started to consume him. He no longer saw me as a friend and now he sees me as someone who was destined to be with him, because there was a very small chance that either of us could've seen each other after my parents died. Yet here we are. He's a good person, I know that. He's really nice and I know that he really loves me, I just need to know that he isn't doing this because he feels like he's forced to."

-Jimin Story-

"Then there's Jimin-oppa. We first talked together when I came home all beat up and he helped heal my wounds, he was the first person to really help me out physically. He and I hung out when I bumped into him at the hospital after I visited my uncle. We then hung out at the dorm where the two of us began to act like kids, he was really open and cute. In Japan we were roommates and he was really nice to be with, I felt comfortable with him sharing a bed with me even. That was when he started telling me that he loved me, there were a few kisses here and there and he would always worry about me. He and I became extremely close after that trip, but once we touchedowned in Korea, he began avoiding me. He started to practice for nearly the entire day just to avoid me. It pained me to see him like this, distracting himself with work instead of facing his problems. He finally faced me on accident at the dorms and he walked me to city hall to update my family register. That's where he found out about my family's history, but he was worried instead of frightened. I could tell that he was worried about me and that it was eating him up inside. But I did nothing but make things worse for him. I just hope my decision will help him in the end."

-Namjoon Story-

"Namjoon-oppa helped me open up about my struggles and my family. We became friends first due to our similar charms and I went to hangout with him when his shoulder ached in the Bangtan dorm. A few things happened there and that's what set off alarms in my head. Namjoon-oppa is smart and nice, he cares about me a lot but he never really admits it to me outright. He's also a bit overprotective and gets jealous easily, as what I've seen when he saw me with Hoseok-oppa watching a movie. At Osaka he and I snuck out to go shopping and we ended up buying the same bracelets for each other. One thing led to another and he ended up kissing me in the hotel elevator, Yoongi-oppa caught us and Namjoon-oppa went back to his room. Then back here in Korean, the two of us wrote a song together. During that time, I could tell his feelings haven't changed for me at all. If anything they just got stronger. To be honest he's the most straight forward with his actions, that's because he doesn't want to leave any room for regret if I don't choose him. I really respect that."

-Hoseok Story- 

"Hoseok-oppa and I started talking when he saw my dancing, we hung out at the movie for the first time even though I was more focused on trying not to be seen instead of enjoying my free time. I ended up getting groped on the train and when I didn't tell Hoseok-oppa right away he got really serious and protective. I've never seen a side of him like that. We ended up hanging out in Osaka, he took me out to dinner at a restaurant and had a lot of fun just walking around. When we were back in Korea he told me that he had feelings for me when we were watching the movie, I couldn't believe it at first until he kissed me. I haven't gotten back to him since then and I only saw him when I was with Tae-oppa in a coffee shop. I just want to make sure he's okay. He cares about his brothers a lot and I don't want this to tear him away from them. He loves everyone and just knowing that I might've caused more problems makes me worried."

-Yoongi Story-

"Yoongi-oppa began staying at my dorm during the day to escape the loudness of his own dorm. After a while we got closer and closer. He relieved my stress with his cuddl- I mean hugs. He likes to take care of me and I noticed that the soft side he shows to me is very rare for others to see. He protects me and gives me advice. I've seen him as a close friend, maybe even a best friend. I feel so comfortable around him, sure, his words can be sharp and hurtful but he isn't afraid to show how much he cares and loves someone in the end. He was scared to kiss me, thinking that he could be nothing more than a friend, but in the end he confessed to me. I just...really think he's a sweet person, he cares even when others think he doesn't."

-Jin Story-

"Jin-oppa and I had an awkward beginning. I forced a kiss on him while I was drunk and since then the two of us never really connected as friends. But that kiss would always be in the back of my mind. That was until I went shopping with him and we kissed back in my dorm. The kiss was...magical to say the least. It was like it was clearing our minds from all the doubts and problems between us since the beginning. He told me how he felt about everything, how he didn't want to come closer because he believed he didn't deserve me. Once he said that my heart broke. He is very supportive though, so I believe he will support me in any relationship I'm in. And I'll support him."

After a while of talking, my decision was crystal clear.

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