~Jin Ending~

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Roxi P.O.V

'Why would he ask to meet up with me?'

I glance at my phone, then back at the front entrance of the Bangtan dorm. Jin had texted me to come and see him, I waited at the door, debating in my head whether or not I wanted to see him. Maybe this would cause more problems. We already resolved our first predicament last week. But there was something off. Back in the dorm Jin had kissed me again, but that second kiss was different. It was stronger and more loving. It made my heart flutter in such a strange way. Maybe I wasn't the only one who felt this way. 

'Please, I rejected him before. There's no way he'd accept me after this.'

Before I could turn and enter my own dorm, the front door opened. Jin tilted his head down slightly to see me, even though Namjoon was still taller than him Jin just loved silently teasing my height.

"Hi Roxi-ah."he greeted,"Glad you could come over."

"Well, you did tell me this was important."I say, taking off my shoes at the door before walking into the living room."Are the others home?"

"No, they're all grocery shopping but they insisted I stay,"he chuckles, taking a seat on the couch."They said I should stay and organize the kitchen before they arrive. I've finished that though."

I shake my head and sit next to him,"You should've gone anyway, this place is already pretty neat."

He doesn't reply, and I'm left with a blank state of mind. What else am I supposed to say? Finally, after a few moments of awkward silence, Jin opens his mouth to speak.

"Roxi...about...you know, that kiss...I have a confession to make."


"It's just, I know that you probably don't feel the same way. But I'm just gonna come out and say it."he smiles and takes my hand."I love you."

Again, a surge of heat rushed to my cheeks. I'm left speechless once more. How can someone say that so easily yet truthfully at the same time. Jin looked at me funny before grinning.

"You have been wearing pastel since that day."

I looked at my pink shirt and shrug,"I didn't even realize."

"Really? I've realized your change in fashion ever since the week you came back to work."he chuckled, playing with a strand of my baby hair that hung by my cheek,"You got a new haircut too. It suits you perfectly."

He releases me and sits about a foot away from me as he sighs through his nose,"I'd like to say you're more perfect than me, but I'd be lying."

I laugh and slap his arm as he laughs along,"Yah Jin-oppa your confidence isn't really helping!"

He shakes his head and turns to me,"So, what do you say?"

The mood suddenly turns more serious with the change in subject. I purse my lips and think outloud.

"I mean, you're a really nice guy. I know that, that's why I trust you. It's just that...I want to know if you're as truthful as you sound."

Jin nods,"I know what you mean. Honestly, I don't know how to explain it to you. You are my first kiss after all."

I sat there, bewildered before my eyes widen in horror,"Oh my god Jin-oppa I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-"

"But I'm glad you were my first kiss."he blinks a few times before continuing with a clear train of thought,"It was a bit less thought out than what I'd hope for, but that didn't make it any less magical."

He leaned in, his lips just centimeters from mine."I love you."

Jin lingers in that position, leaning towards me at a close angle as I'm left to stare at his lips. They looked just as plush and soft as that first night. I close the gap, pulling him towards me by the collar of his shirt. My hunger and desire for him clear through my movements. It hasn't even been that long since our last kiss, yet my thirst for it never vanished. Knowing that Jin loved me made me breathless. He mirrored my movements, his arms gripping my shirt firmly before he pulled away to let us breath.

"I love you too Jin-oppa."

The moment I had tried to avoid finally came around, and I've never felt happier.

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