Chapter 49 - 아첨 (A-CHEOM)[Flattery]

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Roxi P.O.V

Namjoon and I were staying at the company building for some last minute preparations before our subunit debut stage. To be honest, the advice that Yoongi had given me before about how I would feel before each comeback still stuck to me. I felt beyond anxious knowing that I wouldn't only be performing with myself, but with another person as well. 


Namjoon places a hand on my shoulder, making me realize that I had been staring at my computer screen for a while. I was just so lost in thought.

"Yeah Namjoon-oppa?"

He nudged his head toward the door,"It's time to head back to the dorms."

'It's one in the morning already?'

"Ah, alright."I say, getting up from my seat and following him out the door.

'I need to relax, I'm starting to overthink things again.'

"You know, I've been thinking."he starts.

"Like that's anything new."I say, hearing him chuckle as we head outside."What were you thinking about this time?"

"I'm just wondering, are you planning on staying single forever?"he asked.

"That's the plan basically."I smile sheepishly."I mean, I can't really see myself with anyone to be honest. I'm betting this question is leading to another one isn't it?"

"Yeah."I get into the driver seat while gets into the passenger seat next to me as he continues."You see, I was just thinking about the future you know. Wouldn't it seem a bit anticlimactic if you end up with someone other than a member of Bangtan?"

"I mean...sure. You all are the closest guy friends I've ever had. So I mean, I don't know any other guys I'd fall for at the moment."I say, driving through the exit."Look, you may think you have a chance, but I'm a loss cause."

"You always say that."Namjoon sighs, shaking his head as I drove."You're really stubborn you know that."

"Of course I know that."I chuckle,"Namjoon-oppa, it might hurt your pride hearing me say this but you don't know the full story. So until I get my life straightened out, I won't be looking for a boyfriend."

Namjoon glanced over at me before looking back out the window. The rest of the ride was silent. I know he means well, and that I can't blame him for trying, but I just can't allow myself to tell him everything.

"Our performance is tomorrow night."he says as we get into the elevator."You ready?"

"Yeah. Our music video was taken well by our fans, so I'm ready. You?"

"Same."he answers.

We walk toward our dorm doors by each other's sides. And with that I got home. The same thing happens everytime I head home with him. So much so that I see it like some sort of routine now. 

'I just hope he'll be able to understand one day.'


"You'll do great you two!"


"Good luck!"

"Break a leg, not really but just don't mess up."

The managers and stylists all gave Namjoon and I some words of encouragement before it was our time to go on stage. I was wearing a white t-shirt, blue ripped skinny jeans, and red converse. Namjoon was wearing a grey t-shirt, a dark denim jeans, and black converse. PD-nim suggested this outfit to my stylist, although I can't really find out why. 

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