Chapter 53 - 기대 [GI-DAE](Hope)

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Jin P.O.V

Yoongi's lips were static and still, his eyes closed and his hands resting on my chest. Yoongi started moving his lips. His hands clinging onto my shirt as his warmth transfered to my skin. Without even a few seconds passing Yoongi started full out kissing me, it felt like he was giving me his all. But, I just didn't know how to react. I stayed still, my hands limp on either side of my midsection until I felt like it was enough. I ran a hand up to his chest, pushing him off of me gently. His breathing was heightened, and his lips were now red and raw. Yoongi's hair slightly cover his pink face, his head slowly tilting to the side as he slowly took his hands off my chest with his left leg slightly over my right one as he caught his breath. He tilted his chin up, his tongue swiped over his lips as he slightly panted in front of me.

"Do you feel anything?"he asked with a low voice."Anything at all?"

I sat there shaking my head,"You don't seriously think this would've worked did you?"

"Hyung, I asked you a question. Did you feel anything?"Yoongi asked again, his dark eyes analyzing me once more.

I thought about nothing more than necessary,"No. I didn't feel anything besides your lips on mine."

Yoongi broke my eye contact with me and moved back into the driver's seat,"That's what I thought. You like her."

He then opened the door and threw me the car keys,"Yoongi where are you going?"

"I'm not done finding Taehyung."he said, tapping the top of the car with his palm twice,"Drive yourself home would ya, wouldn't want anyone else to go missing."

With that, he closes the door and walked away from the car. I watched him leave, looking at the empty driver's seat next to me. I chuckled and scooted a bit so I could switch seats, watching him enter the busy sidewalk and disappearing into the mass of people.

"He didn't even have the etiquette to buy me lunch afterward."

Taehyung P.O.V

"Roxi what do you think we should do? You know about...this?"I ask.

Roxi told Namjoon that she needed to go pick up some books. But in reality the two of us were here, sitting in a corner booth in a calm, quiet coffee shop. Of couse I didn't buy any coffee and instead munched on some pasteries as we spoke. I would've told the others I would be here, but I doubt they would feel anything but suspicious. So I snuck out, I am an adult after all. Roxi thought and sipped her hot chocolate, steam forming on her glasses as she did so.

"I mean. It's not like we're having an arranged marriage anymore. Since my parents are gone, it's safe to say all deals are off. We could go back to being friends."

'If going back to the way things were is even possible.'

I nod, fiddling with the soft object in my pocket. I want to give the ring to her, I want her to know how I feel. But it just isn't the right time. And as if on cue the door opened with a little tinkle of a bell.


My heart drops and I bit my bottom lip out of frustration. He just had to walk in.

"Hoseok-oppa? What're you doing here?"Roxi asks as Hoseok walked up closer to our booth to finally take notice of me.

He raises a brow at me, since I made everyone at the company building worry about me. Well Jungkook at least, the others know that I need space every now and then. But Hoseok just patted my head like a hyung and took a seat next to Roxi who had scooted over to make room.

"I just came by for some coffee after practice. Yoongi-hyung didn't show up though. Jin-hyung left early so our manager let us off a bit early."Hoseok says, unzipping his jacket."How about you?"

"Oh, I have to work tonight with Namjoon-oppa. But I'm free until five in the afternoon."Roxi says.

Hoseok nods and looks toward me, it seemed like he was going to ask me what I was doing here by the way his eyes latched right at mine as if they were waiting for me to say something. So just to make it seem like I didn't plan on going missing I just put on a smile and laughed sheepishly.

"Ah, sorry. I forgot about practice today. I just need to...get back into the routine again."I said, rubbing my neck as I tried not to blink frantically which was always a sign of me lying.

I guess it worked because Hoseok gave me a surprised glance and looked at me like I had said something crazy, which was usually every other hour. Instead of smiling at him, I just looked him in the eye and froze. He knew something. Definantly. I quickly change my demeanor and shift my weight onto my right side, then to my left, trying to keep myself from blurting something out that I would regret.

"Hyung, sorry but can you leave Roxi and I alone for a bit?"I ask, trying to keep myself from sending him any suspicious thoughts.

"Aw but I haven't hung out with Roxi in a while."Hoseok whines, giving me a realistic reaction while I click my tongue and shake my head.

"Yeah, but I haven't hung out with her in awhile either!"I say, pouting."You can hang out with her next time."

'Damn why would I say that?'

"Oh really? Roxi when are you free?"Hoseok asks, turning towards her and giving me the cold shoulder for a moment.

"Oh I'm free two weeks from now."

"Cool, let's go to the dance studio."Hoseok smiles and pats her head, similar to how he patted mine when he walked in."Just text me and I'll be there."

Hoseok walks over to the counter and buys his coffee before exiting the door, the familiar ring of the bell following soon after. I looked around, Roxi and I were the only ones left in the shop. The cashier had went into the kitchen, out of both sight and earshot from Roxi and I. Roxi 'tsk's at me and takes a sip of her coffee.

"You know you didn't need to do that."Roxi chuckles,"Hoseok wasn't doing anything wrong."

I grit my teeth, I know that my hyung didn't mean any harm but I just have this feeling that he knows something. I just don't know what he knows.

"Yeah sorry, I just didn't want him know. Find out."I say, a light bulb turning on in Roxi's head.

"Ah, I see."Roxi smiles,"Nice, you really thought this through."

"I just want to keep our promise."I say, giving her a meek smile.

"Aw, really though. I don't see why we need to make too much of a big deal about this."her face turned somber and serious,"I mean it's not like the two of us can turn back time and go back to how we used to be. But that doesn't mean we can't move on from this you know."

I sighed, if only she knew what I knew. Wait, why am I even hiding the ring from her. I looked at my jacket at my side. Ever since my mother gave me the ring, I never left the house without it. It sickened me. Every night I tried to get rid of it, it was the physical formation of my desires and doomed dreams. But every night I would back down and put the ring back into my pocket. I guess it was just that hopeful feeling in me that made me bring it along. That maybe the right time will come and I can finally say what's on my mind. That time will come when I have the courage, all void of doubt and regret, to grab the box and get on one knee. Right in front of her.

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