Chapter 31 - 두 (DU)[Two]

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The door opened and Tae walked in with a smirking face which quickly turned unamused."Aw, I missed everything? I thought you two were going to watch a movie or something and I could join!"

Jimin and I blush, glancing at each other then at the beaming alien in front of us who motioned us to come with him down to the lobby. We head down there on the same elevator, Tae kept looking between Jimin and I, looking quite awkward with the lingering silence around us. Jimin and I meet eyes and he quickly looked away as the door opened.

"We're here!"Tae said, covering up the tension in the elevator.

Most of the members had already arrived at the lobby, giving the three of us short greetings while the managers quickly told us what we were going to do and everything I couldn't remember back on the plane. Namjoon and Yoongi were the last two to arrive and received a scolding from our managers before we headed to our bus. Jungkook hurried to sit next to me just as I sat down.

"Hi noona!"he says, taking a seat next to mine before Tae could even enter the bus."Are you feeling better?"

I blanked for a second and wondered what he was talking about before realizing that most of the people on this bus thought I was suffering from a headache instead of walking about the city with Namjoon. I told him that I felt much better now and he seemed to buy it.

"Ah, good. Then the award ceremony will be much more fun for all of us."he smiles,"Can you sit with me?"

"Sha la la la la la laaa~"sang Tae, making a heart with his arms from his seat in front of me."Jungkookie is making moves I see! Then I need to step up my game!"

I sweatdropped and decided to keep quiet and let them talk to each other while we headed to the ceremony. Hoseok and I spoke for awhile about how huge the arena was, our bus pulled up to the back nearest to the dressing rooms and my dress crew and manager came up to my right after I entered the building. Looks like today might be even more hectic than it should be.

~Time Skip~After Roxi's Performance~

The crowd cheered as I walked off stage. I was wearing a deep blue long-sleeve top, black mid-thigh shorts, and black stiletto heels as well as my fishnet leggings. I walked past the idols' seating area and bowed past the clapping audience who was bowing as well. There was a table just for BigHit Entertainment idols since our company wasn't so huge. Jungkook was there throwing finger-hearts my way as I sat down in my seat next to him, leaving a friendly space in between us so no rumors would start.

"You were really good out there noona!"he beams."Ah, I never get bored of your performances."

"Really? I liked your dancing too. It was really cool!"I compliment back.

The rest of the awards ceremony was uneventful. The company earned a few trophies and soon enough it was time to leave. I was led into the dressing room and changed into a comfy white hoodie, black leggings, and grey vans.

"The ceremony was a success!"cheered my manager, giving my cheeks a good squeeze after I was done changing."Did you enjoy yourself?"

"I mean...the dancing was good. All the others did very we-"

"Great! Now let's get going on the bus. We'll be leaving for Korea tomorrow morning so make sure to get some rest."she cuts me off after looking at her watch.

We get into the bus just before it leaves to the hotel and I was sitting next to Jungkook once again. We were all dozing off on the ride so nobody spoke. I looked out the window as rows of trees passed by, and the headlights of cars were bright enough to make my eyes shut.

'I'll just take a short nap.'

Jungkook P.O.V

I stared at my phone as we hit a traffic jam due to the many people who had gone to the ceremony. Just as I turned off my phone I felt a sudden weight put on my right shoulder. I gazed down at Roxi, who had her hoodie up over her head and her hands inside the pockets of her oversized hoodie. I decided not to move, gulping down how flustered I was. I put my phone in my pocket and allowed her to use my shoulder as a pillow.

"Wah~ Kookie is so lucky."whispered Tae, glancing at me from the back of his chair."Don't you dare wake her up. She might act like Yoongi-hyung."

"Actually, she's really calm when she wakes up."says Jimin who was sitting next to him."I mean, whenever I accidentally woke her up she would never act grumpy."

"I still don't want to take any chances."I mumble, adjusting Roxi so that my arm rested over her shoulders so her neck wasn't as strained.

"Aw look at Kookie being a good boy."cooed Hoseok, trying to fall asleep only to fail with every honk of a horn.

I blushed, usually I would be the one teasing my hyungs. Now that I was being teased the most I could do was brush it off. But even that was difficult for me to do since I couldn't even brush off the feeling of warmth that radiated from my noona leaning against me.

"Kookie's all red."teased Tae,"You like Roxi don't you?"

"No, It's just...she's really comfy."I blush harder, finding all the attention on me."To be honest...Roxi is a really nice friend. She treats me like a good noona...she has this aura that just makes me feel all warm inside."

"Ah you like her a lot."smirked Tae,"Don't worry I won't tell her."

"You can tell her I like her. It doesn't matter much."I smile."I just want to hang out with her more often."

We arrived back at the hotel and I took the liberty to wait for the others to leave before I decided what to do with Roxi. It was already so late... I decided to carry her inside to her room with Jimin. Luckily the lobby was empty as I took the elevator to the tenth floor. I knocked on my hotel room door to ask Namjoon where Jimin's room was, only to get the door slammed back on my face after giving me a single answer.

'He must be really tired.'

"He could've broken the door."I chuckle, walking over to Jimin's room.

Once there I kicked against the door softly and Jimin opened it up after peeking through the peephole.

"Kookie-ah? I thought you woke Roxi up?"he yawns, opening up the door for me to bring her inside."Did you enjoy the ceremony?"

"Yes very much Jiminie."I reply with a sly grin.

"Remember I was born in Busan first."Jimin randomly grumbled.

"Yeah yeah. Goodnight Jimin-hyung."I whisper after tucking Roxi into what I presumed to be her bed.

"Goodnight Kookie-ah...Kookie-ah?"

I stopped in my tracks just as my hand was resting on the door handle."Yes Jimin-hyung?"

I turned to face him. Jimin was leaning against the wall with a hand running through his hair, a habit that he had never grown out of. He sighed and looked at me with complete sincerity in his eyes.

"I like Roxi."

I replied plainly,"I like my noona too."

"No I mean...I LIKE her like her."Jimin corrected vaguely."I just...I want to know how you feel about her."

"By 'Like her like her' you mean love her right?"I asked, seeing him shyly nod at my question."So you really do love her? If you love her then you should tell her how you feel hyung."

"I mean...I did that already. She said she wasn't ready for a relationship right now."Jimin said, disappointment hinting at his features.

"Think about it hyung, we aren't ready for a relationship either. We barely even have enough time to sleep."I point out."I bet if everything is a bit more quiet and calm Roxi would accept your confession."

"So you aren't mad? Or jealous?"gasped Jimin."Really?"

I thought for a moment. Is Roxi being with Jimin what I really want? Would I be satisfied with that outcome? Do I really like her as much as Jimin? In the end I shrugged.

"Jiminie-hyung...I mean. I'm not mad. Or jealous. I just want Roxi to make the right choices. I would be happy if she ends up with you, I really would. I would also be happy if she ends up with me. I guess you could say I'm indifferent."

Jimin looked blankly at me, to be honest I couldn't really tell if he thought I was joking or being drop-dead serious."Jimin-hyung, all I have to say is try your best. Because you don't know when I might come along to get Roxi to like me."

I smiled slyly and opened the door, shutting it softly before I headed to my room. I put my hands into my jean pockets and sighed.

'Something's changed between everyone.'

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