Chapter 22 - 잘못 (JAR-MOS)[Mistake]

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A few weeks have passed since my birthday and the days felt as if they were getting longer and longer by the second. BTS ended up beating my record of eight million views in a day with their 9.4 million views with their song 'Spring Day', I know I should devastated by now, but I just couldn't hold in my happiness after hearing the news. Work started piling up even more after my goodbye stage, including promotions, collaboration invitations, and even opportunities to travel to Japan and Malaysia.

"Hey what should I do now that I need to write a new song?"I ask to Lloyd as I sat on my desk with an empty document in front of me."Jimin says I should write about something I love. But what would that be? Shall I write a song about you?"

I giggle aloud when Lloyd jumps and barks happily at my idea."If only I could know what went on in that doggy head of yours."

I've just gotten news that my uncle is slowly recovering, yet it doesn't look like he'd wake up anytime soon to be honest. My mind clouded over with worried thoughts until Lloyd barked and licked my nose, making me smile at it's antics.

"PDnim is offering to take me and Bangtan to Japan for an award ceremony. Obviously I must go, so I'll ask my manager to stay and watch over you all."

Just the thought of going to another awards ceremony made me sick to my stomach, it was so nerve racking and suspenseful that it made me feel lightheaded. There was a knock on my door, this made me raise a brow. It was around ten in the morning, maybe it was just my manager here to remind me to pack my bags for the ceremony two days from now. I got up and Lloyd ran into my room to be with her sisters, I stretched for a moment before walking to the door.

"I'm coming hold up!"I called as the knocking got louder.

I opened up the door to see Tae smiling his boxy smile just as I opened up the door."Hiya Roxi!"

"Hi Tae-oppa! What are you doing here? I thought you guys had practice this morning."I greet, moving aside so he could walk inside.

"We do, but manager said I should come back to the dorm so I could start packing for our trip. 'It would be more of a set back if you didn't come prepared than missing one rehearsal.'. He's not as spontaneous as before. Probably because last time someone forgot their passport at a hotel when we went to America. 'You do not want to forget anything this time!'."

"Oh I see. Well then, are you going to start packing?"I ask, leaning my back onto the door.

"Did you start packing?"he asked, a small smirk on his face.

I just smiled and shook my head, making him chuckle lightly and pat my head."Looks like we have the same problem."

"But I don't wanna."I pout, crossing my arms and spin on my heel to face his door."I'll pack if you pack."

"Then we'll help each other!"Tae cheers, clapping his hands together gleefully."Daebak!"

"Fine fine, I'll help you first then."I offer, bending down to get my shoes.

"No, now that I'm here I'll just help you out."smiled Tae, shaking off his shoes and placing them against the wall.

I shrugged, agreeing to his plan as I went to the closet next to the door to grab my small brown leather suitcase. I led Tae to my room after he was done fawning over my puppies, although he never let go of Jay when we moved from room to room. I packed up my clothes, neatly placing them into my luggage in rolls while Tae learned his boundaries of where he should and shouldn't look. After a while of packing toiletries Tae looked at my desk to see a photo of my whole family and I. I looked at the photo with a smile, I was such a cute baby back then, My mother was holding my brother and I while our father kissed her cheek from the side of the hospital cot. It was one of the only photos I had of my late family, so I made sure to treasure it. Between that wooden frame and cardboard back, there were so many opportunities for memories and happiness.

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