Chapter 8

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So I planned to have this out tonight and here it is! I kept to the plan. Now if only I could keep it up. I think this is one of the longer one's I have written. You get both sides, Lamia and Embry, of this chapter.  I hope that it doesn't get too much of the same thing. Of course the dialogue is but the emotions behind it isn't. But anyway I hope you enjoy and don't forget to vote/comment!!!!

On to the story...


           I thought about skipping school on Monday but here I was trudging into the building.  After coming to the realization that I was indeed developing feelings for Embry, I couldn’t sleep. The thoughts that filled my head at the consequences that this could result in kept me up all Saturday and a good portion of Sunday. I refused to acknowledge the possibility that I could be…falling for him. I had these feelings because I wasn’t being watched constantly. I never had the chance to be close to anyone and now that I am, the feelings must be a result of that. Or at least that what I kept telling myself.

            I had my head down as I walked through the hall toward my locker. I need to be cautious around Embry. Perhaps I needed to distance myself from him, I thought as I grabbed my books for my first class. I couldn’t avoid the people in my class or when I see him in gym. It was going to be a long day.

            And a long day it was. I barely talked to any of the pack or the Cullens that I was actually friendly with. Every time I saw Embry in the hall, I had to duck into the nearest girl’s bathroom to avoid him. When it came to lunch, I managed to get food from the cafeteria and sneak out before any of the pack saw me. I went to the library and ate in a back corner by myself.

            I felt bad doing it but it was for our own good. Whatever I was feeling couldn’t go any further or I wouldn’t be able to stop it. Where would that leave us? Me betraying him in the end and my possible demise from the wrath of the Volturi? I was doing the right thing but then why did I feel so bad. Not only was I extremely tired but Embry always made my day better. Now that I was avoiding him, I wasn’t in a good mood and I only felt more drained then before. Why did he have such an effect on me?

            I couldn’t help but think that gym class was going to be torture when it got to the end of the day. How could I avoid him when this was the only class I had with him? He’d want to know where I’d been and want to hang with me. As I walked into the gym, I could see him and Paul in the far corner. It looked like they were having a serious conversation from the way Embry’s expression was scrunched up. The teacher was a few feet away from the door. After seeing him for a few seconds, I knew I couldn’t stay here with him so close. By the time I reached the teacher, Embry had spotted me. I could feel his gaze on me but I didn’t look at him.

            “Mr. Miles, I’m not feeling very well. Can I get a note to see the nurse?” I said when he looked up at me from the clipboard in his hand. Embry must have heard because he was on his way over to me. Mr. Miles gave me a look then wrote me the note.

            “I can take her if you want me too,” Embry said looking at Mr. Miles but I knew that he really wanted to just talk to me. I internally cringed at the thought of being alone with him. Obviously not because I didn’t want to. I wanted to more than anything but I had to remain strong.

            “I don’t need you to. I know the way,” I replied before Mr. Miles could. I quickly turned and made for the door but not before seeing the confused, hurt look that Embry gave me. Instead of going to the nurse, I went to my locker and grabbed everything I would need for tonight’s homework and waited for the bell to ring. I didn’t want to be waiting around when Embry got out because more than likely he would try to find me and offer me a ride. After a day full of saying ‘no’, I knew I wouldn’t refuse.

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