Nightwing x real life!reader part 2

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Later on in the night you were woken by another large crash from your balcony again. Before you could react you were ripped off Dick and were on the floor with someone on top of your, a large blade being held to your neck.

"DAMIAN, NO!" You heard Dick say.

As you looked up you could see it was Robin on top of you, holding a katana to your neck.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH GRAYSON?!" He yelled at you.

"DAMIAN STOP! SHE'S A FREIND!" Dick yelled back, grabbing Damian's arm an pulling him off you. You sat up, rubbing your neck. He didn't cut you, but damn he was a scary ten year old.

"It's ok, she helped me. " he explained.
"She showed parents." He smiled at you and helped you up off the floor.
"Your parents are dead Grayson. Where is your mask?" Damian was still angry.
"I don't need it. She knows who we are." He said.

Damian pulled out his katana again, this time aiming it at your chest.

"HOW?" He bellowed.

"Let me explain!" Dick said, grabbing the katana and throwing it to the side.

Dick explained to Damian what had happened, an he seemed to clam down a little.

"Come on Grayson, we need to go back." Damian said.

Your heart sunk as she said that. Somehow Dick noticed, and took Damian aside for a quiet word. He returned with a small device in his hand.

"I have to go. And now. If I don't, then things will go crazy. But take this." He pushed to device into your hand.
"This will let you travel through demensions so you can visit me and Dami and everyone. Please, use it. I want to see you again. " he said, smiling at you.

Without thinking you leaned in and pressed your lips against his. Fireworks erupted inside you as he started kissing back. Damn, those comic books are right. He is a good kisser!

When you parted you watched as Damian and Dick went to the balcony of your apartment and pressed a button and Damian's device. In the blink of an eye they were gone.

You looked at the device in your hand. Maybe you should take Dick up on his offer sometime.....

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