Dick Grayson x reader

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You sashayed down the hallway, your heels making a satisfying click with each step you took. Your hair swayed elegantly as you walked down the corridor at Wayne enterprises.

You had worked there for around a year, alongside your adoptive father, Bruce. You loved working with your father, and loved that he let you design new weapons with Lucius Fox.

You made your way up to your fathers office, and used the secret entrance to enter the mini-bat cave Bruce had made.

"Hi Lucius." You said. He was sat at the table in the centre of the room, fiddling with a small bit of circuitry.

"Good evening Y/n. What brings you down here?"
"Well, I finished my paperwork and I couldn't stand sitting there and hearing about Derrick's weekend again. So boring. What are you working on?" You asked, taking off your blazer and hanging it over the back of a chair.

"Something for you actually."
"Try this."
He handed you a pair of earrings, simple studs with a red centre.

"Put them on."
You nodded and took off your current earrings, placing them in your blazer pocket. You slipped in the new pair of earrings, using your phone as a mirror to admire them in.

"They're pretty, but what are they for?"
"Press the left one."

You pressed the left earring and a message appeared on Lucius' laptop, reading Y/N WAYNE S.O.S.

"Ok, now the right one."

You pressed the right one as you heard a tiny crackle.

"Is that..."
"Fully integrated comm link, linked with me, Bruce, your husband, all of the boys. If you twist the right stone, it can also pick up short wave radio transmissions."

You laughed.
"You're a genius Lucius!"
Lucius smiled at you before the room suddenly went black. Soon there was gentle hum and the room filled with a blue-ish light.

"What the hell happened?" You asked.
Lucius types on his laptop.
"The building's lost power. We're on the backup generator to keep this place running."

"What's going on?" You grabbed your blazer and quickly put it back on before running to the lift, Lucius following you.

You entered your fathers office to see the building in darkness. Suddenly, the whole building shook.
"That doesn't sound good." Lucius muttered, before you both heard the crackle of the buildings intercom system come to life.

"Greetings Wayne enterprises!" A robotic voice said. You gritted your teeth. "Fear not, for all will be well, so long as you hand over control of Wayne enterprises to the people! We have a bomb hidden in the building. You have 10 minutes to meet our demands or it will detonate!"

You looked at Lucius. You immediately pulled out your phone and rang your husband.

"Hi honey, are you-"
"No Dick. We need help at Wayne enterprises. Someone says they will blow up the building in 10 minutes unless we hand Wayne enterprises over to the people."
"... I'll be over as soon as I can. Evacuate as many people as you can and DO NOT be seen. They could be after you because your a Wayne."
"Ok. I'll do my best."
"I love you Y/n. Please be careful."
"Love you too." You hung up and ran over to the door, smashing the fire alarm on your way.

"You take floors 1-12. I'll take 13 up. Get as many people out as you can." You instructed.
"Okay. Be safe." Lucius said as he got in the elevator, and you set about clearing the top floors of the building.

8 minutes later

You had cleared nearly all the floors, as you ran from room to room panting, your feet in agony due to running in your heels.

You stopped to take a breath, putting your hands on your knees. You froze as you hear the intercom crackle again.

"I'm tired of your games, Wayne. I know Y/n Wayne is on the 17th floor. My men are looking for you. Give yourself up."

You cursed as you looked to your side. You were indeed on floor 17.

"Y/n, it's Dick. I'm here. Make your way to the roof, I'll meet you there." You heard in your ear.

Of course! The earring!

"Okay, I'm on my way." You said as you ran towards the stairs. You raced up the stairs two at a time until the 19th floor, where you heard voices.

You stopped as you saw 4 men dressed in black, all armed to the teeth. One of them turned around and spotted you.
"Hey look! It's her!" He yelled as the other three turned around. You bolted through the nearest door, running as fast as you could with heels on.

You rounded a corner and hid. When the men ran past you, you made a beeline for the stairs again and kept running.

You burst through the doors and onto the rooftop, a blast of cold air hitting you in the face.

Dick was already waiting for you, clad in his nightwing suit. You ran to his arms and hugged him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, stoking your hair.
"Yeah I'm okay. I got everyone out."
"Good girl." He said, kissing your hair.

There was suddenly a bang behind you, as the four guys from earlier joined you on the roof.

You froze. You looked at your watch. 30 seconds until the bomb would go off.

"Nightwing, there's only-"

"I know. Hold on tight." He said as he gritted his teeth.

You wrapped your arms around his neck, and he placed one arm around your waist.

"What are you gonna do?" You asked quietly, as the men pointed their guns at you.

"Just hold on."

You held your breath as he suddenly jumped backwards, off the side of the building. You heard gunshots and seconds later a huge bang, as the building exploded behind you.

"This is gonna hurt babe. Roll when you land." Dick said.

You thought it best to just follow his instruction.

Suddenly, you both hit something with a thud. Dick wrapped his arms around you as you both rolled, the cold surface scratching at your skin with every turn.

You eventually came to a stop, with you lying on top of Dick. You opened your eyes as Dick looked at you, his blue orbs full of concern.

You smiled and laughed. "We're alive!" You exclaimed. "We made it! We're not dead!" You said happily as you leaned down and kissed Dick passionately. His hands went to your waist as he pulled you flatter on top of him, smiling into the kiss.

You pulled away as you rolled off him and sat up. You were on a rooftop of the next building over from Wayne enterprises.

The heat of the burning building warmed your face as Dick stood up and extended his hand to you.

You took it and stood up, dusting off your skirt.

Dick faced you and tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"I'm so proud of you honey. You were so brave and got everyone out in time. I love you." He said as you smiled and kissed him again.

You worked your hands into his hair as you deepens the kiss, before you heard a voice from your earring.

"Um... guys... it's Tim and Bruce isn't too happy about the pda and he also wants to know why his building is on fire?"

You and Dick laughed.

"This is gonna take some explaining."

Ya boi might not be going to university this year if she doesn't get her shit together🤟🏻


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