*1K SPECIAL* Batfam x reader

10.6K 246 140

THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH! Honestly I was happy when this books got 10 reads, let alone 1000! THANK YOU XXXXX

It was around 4 in the morning at Wayne manor, and Jason was the only one in the house up. Bruce was on patrol alone while all of the boys got some rest, but Jason couldn't sleep.

He had tried but he had a nightmare about the joker again, so he was awake and polishing his gums.

He was working on his favourite pair of .44 magnum revolvers when he heard a bang in sound next to his room. He assume it was just Y/n shifting in her sleep, but then he heard more banging followed by a large thump.

Jason, now suspicious grabbed his gun and crept next door to her room. He slowly pushed the door open to find Y/n on the floor in a mess of bedsheets. Jason sighed and put his guns in his waistband, before going over to pick her up and put her back into bed.

However when he got closer to her he notice she was sweating uncontrollably and was breathing heavily. He knelt down next to her and put a hand in her forehead, and immediately pulled it back. She was burning up.

"Oh man..." Jason said as he picked her and put her in bed.
He was about to leave to wake Alfred when suddenly he heard something.

"No... I'm at the soup store...." Y/n mumbled in her sleep.
"What?" He asked, as he made her way back over to her and sat by her bed.
"There's just soup..." She mumbled again.

Jason listened, confused as she continued rambling.

"What the hell?" He heard as he turned around to see Dick standing in the doorway, equally as confused as Jason.

"She's sick. I was just going to wake Alfred. " Jason replied, looking back at his sister.

"I'm at soup..." She said again, turning over in bed.

Dick ran out of the room and later returned with Alfred in tow. He went to her side and pressed his hand on he forehead, before producing a thermometer and sticking it in her mouth.

After a couple of second he took it out and his eyebrows rose.
"102. Miss Y/n will need at least  2 weeks bed rest, and to stay hydrated. " he said.

"Ok. You guys get some rest, I'll watch her till the morning. " Jason instructed as he pushed the hair out of Y/n's face.

Time skip-

Bruce returned home from patrol, exhausted and in need of some sleep. It was 5:20 in the morning, and he could get in at least and hour of sleep before getting up again and going to Wayne enterprises.

He stripped off his batsuit and trudged up the stairs. When he got to the manor  he began to go up the stairs to his room where he heard someone talking.

He looked at his children's rooms and founds Y/n's room open, and the light on. He poked his head around the door and saw Jason sitting on the floor next to Y/n's bed, listening to her ramble on.

Jason heard Bruce and turned to face him.
"She's sick. Probably from patrolling in the rain last night. I'll watch her till the morning. " he said, turning to face his sister again.

Bruce approached the two and listened to what Y/n was saying.
"My name is Jeff..." She murmured.
"Ok. I'll call the office and tell them I won't be coming in tomorrow.

Time skip-

By lunchtime Tim and Damian were fully aware about Y/n's illness. They were awoken in the morning by her screaming "DEEZ NUTS" in the early hours of the morning, forcing them awake.

They cared for her in shifts of 2 hours each, making sure she stayed in bed. It was late in the evening and Dick was watching her, or he was supposed to be.

He was asleep in a chair next to her bed. He had a long night with starfire ( if you catch my drift ) and didn't get any sleep the night before.

While he was asleep Y/n got up , and in her feverish- state threw glitter anyone she saw.

Dick was not spoken to for at least 4 hours.

The boys all gathered in the living room along with Bruce and Alfred, all exhausted from caring for Y/n.
She was currently upstairs in her room, and the boys had locked her in to avoid anymore mishaps.

"How much longer until L/n can take care of herself?" Damian asked.
"I don't know demon spawn" Jason answers, rubbing his eyes.

Y/n suddenly then jumped down the stairs with one of Jason's guns, screaming "420 NOSCOPE" at the top of her lungs.

The males groaned.

"It's Tim's turn. I delt with her 'my name is Jeff stage' " Dick said.

Woooop I got into this one and I love memes. Anyway THANKS AGAIN!!!!

Here's to the next 1k!

James ✌🏻️

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