Tim Drake x reader

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Similar to the other one, but I've had this one in the bank for a while and am running out of ideas so here we goooooooo

Tim winced as he hauled himself up the side of the building. Each time he climbed higher a burning pain shot up his side.

He eventually came to the window he was looking for, and pryed it open and shimmered himself inside quietly.

Well, at least he hoped he was quiet. In reality he landed on the floor with a large thud and a gasp of pain.

He looked down at his side to see blood leaking through his suit.

"Oh my god, Tim?!"

Tim looked up to see his girlfriend y/n in her pyjamas, standing in the doorway.

"Y-Y/n... I'm sorry..." he mumbled.

"Oh shut up." She replied as she went over to him and dug her arms under his arms and dragged him into her bathroom.

She sat him on the toilet and pulled out the first aid kit from under the sink, before peeling off the top half of his suit and tossing it into the bathtub.

She could see a stab wound in his side. It wasn't too big, so wouldn't require stitches, which was good because she had no idea how to put in stitches.

"Tim, what happened? I thought you said you would be careful!"

"I'm sorry Y/n. I was stupid, I didn't see the guy had a knife."

She sighed. "Look, I don't want you to stop doing what you're doing, but I just want you to be careful."

She cleaned up his wound on his side and began to bandage his chest.

As she worked the bandage around him  and she felt a weight on her shoulder. She looked down to see that Tim had fallen asleep and was snoring cutely.

His black bangs fell into his eyes and his lips were parted slightly. She smiled and brushed his hair out of his face.

She watched him sleeping. She liked him when he was like this, when he was finally at peace with the world. Almost as if he never wanted to wake up.

She finished binding his chest and kissed his forehead. It was pointless trying to move his dead weight, he was too heavy. She rested her head on top of his, cuddling him closely.

"Goodnight red robin. Don't stop being my hero."

Super short sorry!

Work and school are getting hectic, as I'm sure they are for you.

Any requests are welcome. Keep liking and commenting!


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