Batboys x reader part 3

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Well done to everyone who solved the riddle! There were so many I couldn't list you all 🙃

The three stood in silence, thinking.
"Nothing" Jason said.

Dick looked confused as Jason and Damian exchanged worried glances.

"What does nothing have to do..." Dick trailed off as he watched his brothers bolt out of the building and back to their bikes.

"Wait... Nothing as in... She's not here!" Dick yelled.

"Well done Nightwing, NOW LETS GO ALREADY!" Jason screamed as he jumped into his bike.

Meanwhile, at the clock tower...

Tim and Bruce arrived in front of the tower, as they both looked up. It was 11:43. Tim looked over to Bruce who nodded, and they both shot their grapples up to the top of the tower.

They landed nearly on a small ledge on the clock face, before there was a crackle over their comm link.
'Bruce, Y/n's not here.' They heard Dick say.

"Copy that Nightwing." Tim replied.

Bruce studied the glass clock face carefully, before pulling a small glass cutter out of his utility belt. Tim watched as he cut a small hole in the glass, and looked through.

"Anything?" Tim whispered.
"Yeah. She's in there. " he said,tossing the small price of cut glass off the clock tower.

"On my mark go up to the roof and go through the service hatch. I'll go through the main entrance. " Bruce instructed.

Tim nodded as he grappled up a little further to the top of the tower. Bruce Suddenly jumped through the glass clock face, spreading out his cape to create the shadow of a bat on the floor.

He landed swiftly and looked at his surroundings. Inside the clock there was a small walkway for maintenance surrounded by various clock mechanisms such as wheels and cogs.

Riddled and a few henchmen were stood on the walkway and Y/n was tied to a cog of the clock, dangerously close to another.

"Ah, batman! Nice of you to join us at" riddler looked at his watch. " 11:52!"

"Just 8 minutes till Y/hn expires! You see, as soon as the clock strikes midnight those cogs will turn, and squish her into fish paste!"

Batman growled as Y/n looked up at him, before trying and failing to wriggle out of her restraints.

"Riddler! You will pay for this!"

"Oooooohhhhh batsy, I'm so scared! You forget, it's just little old you versus me!"

"Who says it's just him?" Red Robin shouted as the riddler turned around to see all of his goons unconscious in a pile as Tim dusted off his hands.

Riddler growled as there was a loud tick, and the cog Y/n was tied to moved closer to another.

Riddler looked at his watch. "11:58 batman! Time to die!"

Bruce swung a punch at riddler, as the riddler stumbled backwards before he grabbed his cane and smacked batman in the side of the head with it.

Tim quickly began climbing over the cogs and wheels of the clock, making his way over to where Y/n was desperately struggling to free herself.

Batman and riddler fought when suddenly there was aloud bang as both men covered their ears. The bang was followed by 12 other bangs.

Riddler smiled and looked at his watch.
"00:00! Dying time!" He yelled.

"Sorry riddler, but not today."

Riddler spun around to see Y/HN behind him, with Red Robin's arm around her shoulder supporting her. She was holding onto her side and her left shoulder was broken, and she was covered in blood and bruises.

Riddler growled as he lunged at her, but batman grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him down onto the floor, knocking him out.

"You okay Y/n?" Bruce asked, instantly turning into over protective bat-dad.
"Nothing Alfred and a lot of pain meds can't fix. "
She smiled slightly and Bruce gave her a small smile in return.

"Come on. Let's go home. " he said as he went to Y/n's other side as the two boys helped her to the batmobile.

Time skip

Dick, Jason and Damian all raced back to the cave. They jumped off their bikes and ran over to the medical unit, where Y/n was sitting on the side of the bench getting a sling put on by Alfred.

She already had bandages over her chest and stomach, and a few stitches here and there.

"SISTER!" Damian yelled and he flew to the steps and hugged her tightly. She winced as he touched her ribs, but returned the hug nonetheless.

The two others followed him up and gave her hugs too.

"What did he do to you?" Dick asked.
"Crowbar. " she said bluntly, looking up at him.
"Been there. " Jason replied, as Tim rolled his eyes. "Hurts, doesn't it?" He smirked.

She gave him a disapproving look as Alfred finished the sling.

"How long?" She asked him.
"At least 6 weeks. " he replied.

She sighed and looked at the floor.

"What did he want with you?" Tim asked.

"What belongs to you, but everyone else uses it?" She asked.

"God I've had enough of fucking riddles tonight!" Jason yelled.

"Your name. " Bruce said as he walked over to his kids.

She nodded at him.

"Did you tell him?" Dick asked.

She shook her head as a wave of relief washed over them all.

"Come on boys, upstairs. Y/n needs her rest. " Bruce ordered as the boys said goodnight an trailed off upstairs.

" you sure your ok?" Bruce asked again as soon as they were alone.

"Bruce, I'm fine. You don't have to worry. " she smiled.

He kissed her forehead. "Ok. Night     Y/nn. "

"Night dad. " she said as she lay down and pulled a blanket over herself. As soon as her head hit the pillow she was sleeping soundly. Bruce smiled to himself as he went upstairs.

He was lucky to have a family like this.

AHHHH I'm so sorry this took so long school is kicking my ass.

But good news I'm on holiday tomorrow so I can write!

Like, comment and request!


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