Bruce Wayne x child!reader

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A/n- you are 10 in this one. Bruce Wayne is your adopted father, and you go to Gotham academy.

"Master Bruce, it's for you. It's Mrs. Byrne. (Totally not related to any current head teachers *cough*lies*cough*) Alfred called to Bruce. Bruce sighed heavily and put down the piece of paperwork he was checking over. It was never a good thing when your school rang. You had always either started or got involved in a fight, and thanks to your vigilante training you usually ended up breaking someone's nose.

Bruce got up and walked out of his study, grabbing the phone off Alfred. "Hello? Mr Wayne?"
"Yes, that's me. "
"It's Mrs. Byrne. Headteacher of Gotham academy. I'm afraid I need to ask you to come and pick up your daughter. She has struck another student and I wish to discuss her future at Gotham Academy with you." Bruce face-palmed.
"I'll be over as soon as I can. "

Bruce handed the phone back to Alfred.
"She punched someone again. I'm going to see what's happened." He said.
"Very good sir. " Alfred replied as he went back to cleaning the manor, while Bruce got in his car and drove to your school.

Time skip-

When he arrived Bruce was taken to the headmistresses office. When he opened the door Mrs Byrne was behind her desk, with another teacher standing behind her, but Bruce didn't recognise him. In front of her desk there was Y/n on one side, staring at the floor. Next to her there was a boy and his mother. The boy had a large red mark on his face and a black eye starting to form. By the looks of it his nose had also been bleeding. The boys mothers glared at Bruce, and then gave Y/n a death glare.

"Ah, Mr Wayne. So nice of you to finally join us. " Mrs Byrne said sarcastically.
"Sorry. Sometimes it gets hard to run a multi billion dollar company." He replied, sitting in a chair next to Y/n. She looked up at him, and he glared at her making her look at the floor again.

The headmistress went red before composing herself and continuing.
"Mr Wayne I have called you in today because Y/n assaulted Cameron" she said, gesturing to the boy.
"I see. Why is this?" He asked Cameron.
"I didn't do anything! I was just walking behind her when she turned around and punched me!" The boy protested.

"Is that so? Y/n, what is your side of the story?" Bruce asked.

She looked up at him.

"He was chasing me down the corridors wolf whistling at me, so I told him to go away. Then he pulled my bra strap so I went to Mr. Frost, and he told me to ignore it. "

Bruce gave Mr. Frost a bat-glare. He simply looked to Mrs. Byrne, who was in turn glaring at Y/n.

"So I tried to but he kept doing it. Then he did it so hard that my bra came undone, so I punched him."

Bruce was silent for a moment, trying to absorb what she had just told him.

"Very well."
Bruce said as he turned to the boy.

"If you ever dare to touch my daughter again I will not hesitate to have you arrested. You are lucky I don't report you for sexual assault. It is a complete breach of personal space and I should hope you will never do this to any other girl again. " Bruce growled sternly.

The boy looked as if he wanted to cry, while his mothers mouth hung open.

"And you-"
Bruce turned to Mr. Frost.

"Should take a course on sexual harassment. Ignoring the problem will not help in any situation and I hope you understand the severity of the situation you have put yourself in. "

Finally, he turned to Mrs. Byrne.
"I sincerely hope not to be bothered by a matter such as this again. Y/n will not be attending this school for the next week until you put appropriate measures in place to ensure this doesn't happen again. Expulsion is completely the wrong reaction to this and I hope you know that. Now, may I and my daughter leave? Enough of our time has already been wasted. "

The room was in silence. The headmistress could only nod and gestured to the door. The colour had drained from her face and her hand was shaking slightly. Y/n smirked as she and Bruce got up and left, leaving the school and heading back to the car.

As soon as they got out of the school Bruce pulled Y/n in for a tight hug.
"You okay Y/nn?" He said, putting his hands on her shoulder and quickly scanning over her for any injuries.
"I'm fine dad. "
"Good. And, I'm proud Y/n. Not for punching that kid, but for standing up for yourself." She smiled at him.
"Thanks dad. I love you. "
"Love you too sweetheart. Come on, let's get some food. I'm hungry." Bruce said as he took her hand and lead her to the car.

"Did I actually break his nose or just bruise it?"
"No, you broke it alright."
"Am I in trouble?"
"No. Just don't tell Alfred. "

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