Tim Drake x reader

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So this is sorta my first Christmas special. Enjoy!

The large flakes fell endlessly from the sky as you trudged your way home. It was Christmas Eve, and it looked like it was going to be a white Christmas.

You looked up at the snowflakes dancing in the light given off by the street lamps that illuminate the route back to your apartment. There was no one around. No kids on the street. No pedestrians on the pavement. No cars in the road.

You stepped out into the middle of the road, smiling as you left a trail of footprints in the otherwise clear and fresh snow.

There was only one problem with this scene. It was freezing. You hair and clothes were soaked down to the underwear. You couldn't feel your hands or your toes.

You came up to the front door of your apartment and attempted to open the door. The cold metal of your key wasn't cooperating today so you rang the doorbell, hoping he would answer.

A moment later the door opened.

"I'm sorry, Y/n L/n lives here, not the abominable snowman. " Tim chuckled to himself.

"Ha ha. " you said sarcastically as you entered the house.

"Are you ok?" Tim asked, going from joking and happy to concerned and worried in a second.

"I-It's just so c-cold. " you murmured.

Tim placed his hands on your shoulders and, sensing your low temperature, he guided you to the kitchen where he sat you down. He carefully took off your soaking jacket and your boots and socks, before he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around your shoulders.

He grabbed another towel and started to dry your soaking hair, gently massaging your head as he did so.

"I'm going to run you a bath princess. Just wait here. " he whispered in your ear as he bent down and pressed a warm kiss on your temple. You nodded as he walked into the bathroom and turned on the light before you heard running water.

A few minutes later, he returned with the sleeves of his shirt rolled up, exposing his toned muscles.

"Ok. It's ready. " he said as he carefully scooped you up in his arms and carried you into the bathroom, setting you down on the warm rug.

"I-I could have walked. " you said quietly.

"But I like taking care of you. " Tim replied, smiling. "I'll leave you to change. " he said, as he quietly exited the bathroom.

You stripped off the rest of your cold and wet clothes and put them in a pile in the corner of the bathroom, before slipping into the bathtub. Tim had filled it with your favourite soap, as you let the water soak into your skin Tim came back into the bathroom, carrying fresh towels. He placed the towels on the radiator and put your wet clothes in the hamper before sitting down next to the tub.

He dipped his hand into the bubbly water, gently taking hold of your own hand and smiled as he felt you warm up a bit.
"Feeling better?" He asked.

You nodded as you let your head rest on the back of the bath, as Tim traced small circles on the back of your hand.

Tim's phone suddenly then vibrated, bringing you out of your relaxed state. He looked at his phone before smiling.

"00:01. Merry Christmas princess." He said as he leant over and kissed your lips softly.

"Merry Christmas Robin. I love you. "

One Christmas special done! Also when it's cold snowy and icy PLEASE be careful.

Anyway, happy holidays!


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