Damian x younger twin sister

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chan_ie woop here we go!

Also if you haven't checked out my BTS book yet please do! 감사합니다  to those who have 사랑해!

"Your getting sloppy sister. Focus. " Damian ordered as he hit you in the stomach with the plastic rod in his hands. Bruce had insisted that you use plastic rods instead of actual swords to spar with, much to your annoyance.

"Very well. " you replied as you stood upright, before throwing away your rod and pulling Damian's out of his hands,  grabbing his wrist and spinning him around. You pushed your weight against him and he fell forwards onto the floor with you sitting on top of him.

"Very good sister. " he muttered as you released his arm, before you felt a strong breeze next to you.

You looked around to see a red and blue blur flying around the cave. It suddenly landed in front of you and you could then make out who it was.

"Jon! What are you doing here?" You asked a you ran up to him and hugged him. It had been around a month since you had seen him, due to his (and your own) superhero lifestyle.

"H-Hi Y/n. I was nearby and I wanted to see you! How have you been?" He asked happily.

"Good, busy but good! Hey, there's a lot we need to catch up on. How about we meet at the fair in Gotham next week?"
You asked.

"Yeah! I'll pick you up at 7 next Saturday!" He said happily.

"Bye! It was nice seeing you too Damian!" He waved as he flew out of the cave.

You looked over at Damian to see that he was standing with his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.

"What's wrong Dami?" You asked.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. " he replied quickly as he went upstairs.

Well that was odd.

Time skip

It was finally the day of the fair, and as promised Jon picked you up and took you to the fair. And when he 'picked you up' he meant it literally. He let you sit on his back as he flew there.

It was dark as you arrived and all of the lights were on, sending bright colours casting over your faces as you debated on which rides to go on.

After a few thrill rides and candy floss, you decided to go on the Ferris wheel to finish off.

"Woah, it's high up here. " you said as the Ferris wheel reached the top.

"Yeah... Listen Y/n, I had a really good time tonight. " he said, looking into your eyes.

"Me too Jon. I forgot how much I love being around you. " you smiled.

"Well... Maybe we could be around each other more?" He asked nervously.

"As in..." You trailed off.

"Y/n willyoubemygirlfriend?" He asked quickly.

You sat for a moment, letting the wind blow your hair out of your face before you closed the distance between the two of you and pressed your lips on his.

He responded by snaking his arm around your shoulders, and placing his other hand on the side of your face.

"I love you Jon.

"I love you too Y/n. "

Shortly after you got off the Ferris wheel you went to the bathroom before you left, leaving Jon alone.

"So. You asked her to be your girlfriend?" He heard a voice from the shadows.

He looked to his left to see a small figure in all black with his hood up. He then pulled down his hood to reveal an annoyed Damian.

"Damian? Were you following us?"

"Of course. Do you think I trust you with my sister?" He asked as he marched over to him, poking a finger into his chest.

"Listen up alien. Treat Y/n with the upmost respect, act like she's a princess, because she is. Tell her she's beautiful everyday and never break her heart or leave her alone unless you want to suffer a slow and painful death. Understood?" He growled.

Jon nodded slightly, before Damian turned to leave.

"Oh, and Kent? I know where Father keeps the kryptonite. Beware. " he warned as he disappeared into the shadows.

Jon looked around, trying to work out where Damian went when he felt a tap on his shoulder that made him almost wet himself. He shrieked as he turned around to see it was only you.

"Jon? Everything ok? You look like you've just seen a ghost. " you said as he turned to you.

"No, but I may have seen my executioner in the flesh. Your brother is scary." He said as you laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll protect you from him. He can't say no to his little sister. " you giggled as you kissed Jon on the cheek.


"Does your dad really have some kryptonite lying around?"

I had a two hour nap today and I'm proud of myself.

James ✌🏻️

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