Dick Grayson x reader

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Suicidal thoughts and triggering content. Viewer discretion advised.

You sat on your bathroom floor, your entire body shaking and soaking wet. You were still in your clothes as your   Y/Hc dripped water onto the floor in front of you. You had just had the coldest shower possible to try and feel something. Anything. But even the cold water that now clung to your clothes wasn't there in your mind.

You leaned against the side of the bathtub and sighed. You then opened your bathroom cupboard and reached into the back, finding the razor blade you always hid from Dick.

Dick, your boyfriend. Would he miss you? You didn't want to know. You didn't write him a note, he would already know why you did what you did as soon as he arrived.

You rolled up your wet sleeve and for one last time looked at the words carved into your skin.


Your father had put that there when you were 12. 6 years later and you still believe him. That was just one of your scars. There were plenty over your body, each one created by your father.

You held the razor over your wrist as tears pooled in your eyes.

Dicks POV

Dick parked his motorcycle and pulled off his helmet, shaking his hair. He looked up at Y/n's apartment above him. He thought he had better check up one you, since your father was released from prison earlier in the week.

He entered the apartment and found the front door unlocked.
"Y/n? You here?" He called.

He only received silence in return.

He worked his way through the apartment, first checking the kitchen, bathroom and balcony, but then he noticed the bathroom door was closed.

He knocked.
"Y/n? You okay?"

He heard a sniffle from the other side of the door.
"Y/n? Y/N! Open this door or I will break it down!" He ordered.

He was still met with silence.

He stepped back a little and kicked next to the lock on the door, breaking the lock. He then slammed his shoulder into the door and it fell off its hinges onto the floor.

He gasped as he saw you. You was standing in front of the sink, a blade held above your wrist. All you could do was look at him dead in the eyes, like a deer in the headlights.

Without wasting a moment Dick tackled you to the ground, grabbing your wrist and squeezing it so you would release the blade. It landed with a clatter on the floor next to him.

He pulled you into his chest as he clung to you, running his fingers through your soaking hair.

"What the hell where you thinking?!" He yelled.
"I'm s-sorry ok!" You choked out in response. He immediately softened and  kissed the top of your head.

"It's ok, I'm not mad at you. I was just sacred, I'm sorry. " he soothed.

You sat in silence for a while as you cried with Dick holding you, whispering sweet words into your ear. Occasionally you would apologise again and he would say you had nothing to apologise for.

"Your dad?" He asked quietly after a while.

All you could do was nod. You sniffed as you felt a fresh wave of tears form.

"Shhhhh. In here, I'm not leaving. Just sleep Y/n. I promise I'll be here when you wake up. " he said.

You nodded again and closed you eyes, letting Dick warm your numb body as you drifted off to sleep.

Once he was sure you were asleep, he sighed loudly and rubbed his eyes. That was too close. He didn't want to think about what would have happened if he was too late.

He looked down at your peaceful form in his lap. He smiled to himself and kissed you on the forehead, before falling asleep himself.


Dick had gone to Y/n's apartment a while ago, and Bruce was waiting to go on patrol with him. Eventually he got bored and made his way to her apartment to get him, only to find the two of them asleep in the bathroom floor.

It didn't take the words greatest detective to figure out what happened, considering the razor was still on the floor.

Bruce carefully passed the two and made his way over to your bedroom, where he pulled a blanket off your bed and spread it over you two, before silently taking off into the night to protect the city.

This was my first time writing anything like this so I'm sorry.

Also I got a new room so now I can play my k-pop as loud as I want and none can call me weird.


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