Dick Grayson x reader

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You shiver and pulled Dick's freezing body closer to yours. Looking up, you stopped and a sense of hopelessness washed over you. You had been dragging Dick's body through the blizzard for what seemed like days, but was probably only a few hours.

You looked around the vast landscape, but the snow was making it impossible to make anything out. Dick groaned quietly next to you, and clasped his hand around the wound on his stomach.

"It's ok D-Dick. Well f-find a way out." You said to him in an attempt to reassure him, but you both knew you were screwed.

You had been wandering in the blizzard for 6 hours now. The plan was simple- find and stop Mr freeze. As usual though, he was one step ahead and used a weather machine to bury Gotham in an icy winter. The two of you had still tried to complete the mission, but it was hopeless. You were both freezing as Dick had been stabbed in the stomach, and now you had no idea where you were.

You had sent a distress signal to the Justice league and batman in the hopes of a response, but none had arrived yet. You weren't even sure if they had got your message in the blizzard.

Dick was lazily hanging off your back, unable to walk. Each step was agony on your body. You were sure your legs would give out any minute, and your whole body was numb.

Suddenly, a small flash of light came from over the horizon. You stopped, and looked through the snow storm breathing heavily. The light came again, but this time a little closer so your could see a little bit of red colour mixed in with the light.

"Flash..." You whispered as you began to make your way towards the source of the light.

"Y/n, this is manhunter. Make some noise so we can find you." You heard a voice in your head, and knew what to do.

Even your voice was tired, and you struggled to speak through your chattering teeth.

"S-superman... Hurry. Dick d-doesn't have long." You said as you looked up again to see some figures in the snow.

"Y/n!" A female voice called, which you recognised as Diana.

A wave of relief flooded your body as you collapsed into the snow, Dick's dead weight falling on top of you.

"Diana..." You muttered as you saw her running over to your, before your eyes fell shut.

Dicks POV

I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling that I recognised as the ceiling of the med bay at the watchtower.

"Hey kid. Take it easy, you've been out for a while." I heard a voice next to me and looked over to see green lantern (idk which one you choose) next to me.

"How long?" I asked sitting up slowly and hissing at the pain in my stomach.

"6 hours. "

"What about freeze?" I asked.

"Behind bars again. " Diana said as she enters the room with superman and flash behind her.

"Thanks guys. We couldn't have- wait, where's Y/n?"

"Calm down stud, she's overs there." Flash said as he pointed to a window. On the other side of it was Y/n, sleeping peacefully.

"Is she ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, she just collapsed from exhaustion. Carrying a vigilante on her back for 14 miles really takes it out of you." Superman said.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and got up, and made my way over to her room.

I sat down next to her, then took her hand and started to draw small patterns on it.

She hummed quietly as I looked up to see her eyes fluttering open.

"Dick?" She looked over at me.

"Yeah, it's me. "

"Are you ok?" She asked, eyeing the bandages in my stomach.

"I'm fine Y/nn, I should be more worried about you. " he said.

"I'm ok, really. Just tired." She said.

"Ok then." I said as I pulled back the covers and slid into bed with her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

She giggled and snuggled into my shoulder as I kissed her on the forehead, and closed my eyes.

"Thank you Y/n. You really saved my ass back there. "

"Well, it is an ass worth saving. "

I feel I don't say this enough, so thanks for all the likes and comments.


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