Damian Wayne x Dick's sister reader

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mmanlove sorry it took so long!

Falling. That was all you felt.

Falling and falling deeper into the murky depths of Gotham bay.

A cold shockwave was sent through your body as you hit the surface of the water.

And you kept falling. And falling. And falling.

You could see through the water a large explosion happen above the surface that sent ringing through your ears.

You swore you could still hear the joker and Harley's laugh echoing in your skull. You weren't sure though. Your whole head was still spinning.

The last thing you remember was the Joker and Harley trying to ship illegal weapons into Gotham bay, and you and your boyfriend had gone to stop them. But, as usual, things didn't go to plan. Your big brother Dick had helpfully decided that you two needed help and had burst in just as you and Damian were about to strike. The plan was you distract the goons while Damian took them out, yet before Damian could silently do his job Dick had swooped in and your golden window of opportunity slammed shut.

And things went downhill from there.

So here you are, falling.

Just as your eyes were beginning to close you saw a figure diving down to try and reach you. You vaguely saw a green glove reaching for your hand, but your eyes closed before the hand met your skin.

And you kept falling, and falling, and falling.


Damian plunged into the water after you, swimming further down to try and reach you. He saw your eyes closing as blood poured out of your head and swirled around in the dark water.

He gave one last push and grabbed your arm, pulling you close to his chest and swimming upwards and to the surface.

He gasped for air as he resurfaced and pulled you up above the surface, using his free arm to paddle his way to the opposite side of the bay, away from the fighting. Dick would take care of them, and Damian didn't want to deal with him at the moment. It was his fault this was happening. If he had just trusted you two everything would have been fine.

Your eyes were still closed as Damian lay you on your back on the rocky beach.
"Y/n?" He asked quietly as he shook your shoulders. He received no response.

He put his head to your face and couldn't feel any breathing.

He quickly linked his fingers together and started pressing rhythmically on your chest.

"Come on Y/n..." he hissed after 30 compressions he covered your mouth with his and pushed air into your lungs.

"Please Y/n, live..." he muttered as Dick swung over on his grappling hook and landed next to Damian. He immediately called Bruce on his signal watch, and knelt down next to Damian who was still doing CPR.

"How long?" Dick asked.

"4 minutes" Damian answered between breathes.

"Come on Y/nn, breathe!" Damian said as he gave one final push on your chest. Suddenly you coughed and rolled over to the side, coughing up seawater onto the rocks.

Dick rubbed your back as you coughed and spluttered your guts up, and Damian sat back, exhausted. You threw up on the rocks next to you, as Dick pulled back your wet hair and whispering that everything will be ok.

You sat up as well, wiping your mouth.
"D-Did I-" you asked in a hoarse voice, coughing again.

"Stopped breathing for 4 minutes 16 seconds." Damian panted, checking his watch.

"Heh, I b-beat your record." You smirked at Damian as you pulled your wet hair from behind your face.

"What the hell were the thinking Grayson?" Damian hissed.

"What? You guys needed help!" He argued, crossing his arms.

"We h-had it h-handled." You said quietly.

"But you were alone! How could you leave her?" Dick asked Damian.

"We had a plan imbecile. It was working until you burst in." Damian muttered angrily.

Dick looked down sheepishly.

Just then the bat- boat pulled up next to the three of you. Damian scooped you up and carried you into the boat with Dick following quietly.


Damian was lying in the infirmary in the bay cave with you curled up in a ball on his chest, sleeping peacefully. Damian absent-mindedly ran his fingers through your half dry hair. A bandage bad been wrapped around your forehead to cove the large cut that had appeared there, but there was no evidence of a concussion or any other damage.

He looked down at your arm and inspected the drip inserted into it giving you fresh fluids. Alfred had insisted you had it just to be safe and you stayed in the bad cave all night.

Of course Damian didn't want you to be alone so he slept down here with you too.

He yawned a little and kissed your forehead as he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep too.


Dick walked into the cave in his pyjamas, looking for Damian and his little sister. He couldn't sleep. The guilt of realising that his sister almost drowning was his fault was eating him alive, and he needed to apologise.

He walked around the bay cave until he found the two of you in the infirmary, sleeping together in the same bed. Dick smiled to himself as he watched your peacefully sleeping on Damian's arms.

He quickly found a piece of paper and scrubbed down his apology on a price of paper and left it on your bedside table along with a glass of water before kissing you on the forehead.

"Night Y/n. Night Dami. I love you both."

I realised all my oneshots end the same way oops

Also I just learnt cpr and tried to do a good description of it, it's really useful I recommend learning it.


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