Jason Todd x sister! reader

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This song made me think of Jason so here we go. Also, based off the image. Enjoy ;)

It was a rainy day in Gotham and Y/n Todd was walking to one of Jason's safe houses, alone. Tears mixed with the rain as she trudged down towards the docks.

Jason, her older brother was supposed to be picking her up from school, but due to an 'emergency' and she had to walk to one of his safe houses. 6 miles, in the rain.

She came to the door to the safe house, concealed behind some empty oil drums in an old storage container. She kicked the cans to the side, before huffing and waiting for the computer to recognise her.

After a while a quiet hum filled the air as a panel on the floor slid back, revealing a stepladder that led under ground.

The hatch above her closed as she reached the bottom of the ladder. The lights off, meaning no one was here.

Y/n flicked on the lights and threw her school bag to the side, huffing as she stripped off her her soaking wet uniform and throwing it into the floor. She walked to her room and changed into some sweatpants and an old jumper, before collapsing into her bed in tears.

She sniffed as she looked at the locksceen on her phone. It was her and Y/Bf, both smiling. She remembered that day, it was the day Y/Bf had been to a theme park, an you were both smiling as you ate cotton candy.

She threw her phone at the wall before sobbing harder.

Time skip-

"Y/N! I'm home!" Jason shouted as he arrived home.
He noticed her wet school uniform and bag on the floor by the ladder and frowned. Roy had convinced him to come over to his apartment and he couldn't pick her up from school, and she ha to walk in the rain.

"You here Y/n?" He called as he made his way into the lounge area of the underground bunker.

He didn't hear a reply. He eventually came to her room and was about to knock when he heard a faint noise.

A girl crying.

His sister crying.

He threw the door open and saw Y/n laying on her bed crying, her hair soaking wet.

He immediately went over and sat on her bed, putting his hand on her back.
"What happened?" He asked as gently as he could.

"Y/Bf Is dating Drew!" she cried.

Jason sat with his mouth open. He never liked Drew. He was never good enough for his little sister, and he had never approved of their relationship. And Y/Bf just used Y/n to get what they wanted.

"And they don't want anything to do with me. " she sniffed.

"Come with me. " Jason said sternly as he grabbed her arms and pulled her off the bed.

"Jason what the hell? Let go of me!" She yelled.

He ignored her and dragged her to his armoury.

He let go of her arm and opened a cupboard to reveal five large guns all neatly hung inside, with 1-5 above them.

"On a scale of 1-5, how bad did this asshole fuck up?" He asked her.

She didn't look at him, and just kept train at the floor.

"4" she murmured.

Jason pulled gun number 4 off the wall and slung it over his shoulder before setting off again without saying a word.

Time skip

Y/n was laying on the sofa in her room watching tv and eating ice cream when a news report came on.
"Local teens now fear the outside world as the infamous vigilante the red hood threatens 2 Gotham academy students."

Y/n smiled. Jason's methods may not have been the best, but he was still her brother.

but I am back!

Updates will be a bit slower now because of unforeseen circumstances. I'm sorry, but I will try to finish the batfam series and Jason x sister reader soon.

Keep liking and commenting!


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