Batfam x batmom!reader

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It's been another month. Sorry again. caycayprice I'm soooo sorry it's late

"Pew pew! Die demon spawn!" Jason yelled as he shot finger guns at Damian, who was running ahead of him. He leapt over the batmoblie's hood and ran around to the back of the cave, where Bruce kept all the weird and dangerous gadgets he had confiscated from criminals over the years.

You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose after hearing a large crash coming from their direction. You angrily put your book down on the desk and rose from your chair, stomping over to the two males.

"This had better be good! I've just had to put down my book and Mr Gray is just about to-"

You were cut off and sent flying backwards when a beam of green light hit you square in the chest.

Jason and Damian stopped, the large metal gun steaming in Jason's hands.
"What the hell Todd?!" Damian yelled.
"Hey, I was aiming for you but you moved you little shit!" He yelled back as they both ran over to you.

Except, you weren't there anymore. In your place in the floor was a husky, sleeping peacefully on its side.

"Ummm... where's mom?" Jason asked.

Damian cautiously stroked the husky's head, and worked his hand around to its neck which has a small silver necklace around it with a heart pendant. He carefully opened it and inside was a picture of you, Bruce, the boys and Alfred on Christmas.

"Yep. That's her. It's the necklace father got her last year."

"Oh crap... well you've got a lot of explaining to do demon."
"Me? You shot her!"
"Yeah but I'm not exactly Bruce's favourite kid! Oh I know, we should blame Tim."
"Oh right, and how do you propose we do that?"

"Do what?" A large voice filled the cave a a Bruce glided down the stairs. Jason gulped.
"H-hey old man, I got some bad news for you."


"YOU DID WHAT?" Bruce yelled, disturbing some of the bats in the ceiling and causing them to squeak and fly out of the cave. Deep down, Jason wanted nothing more in that moment to be one of those bats and fly away from his angry father.

"It was Tim?" He said uncertainly.
"Tim's at school." Bruce growled.

At this moment you awoke and stood up, observing the three men staring at you. You casually walked up to Bruce and started to nuzzle his leg, demanding to be fussed.

"I need to speak with Zatanna. You'd better hope she can fix this." Bruce said flatly as he turned and left with you following him. You both exited through a zeta tube, leaving Jason and Damian alone in the cave. Damian snickered quietly.

"Well that went better than I thought it would.


A flash of light filled the cave as Bruce re-entered with you, still as a husky, by his side.

Jason nervously stood up from the bat-computer, where he had been sitting for the past hour researching whatever he shot you with.

Turns out it was something Bruce had taken from Klarion a long time ago, and turned whatever you pointed it at into a dog.

"C-can Zatanna-"
"She doesn't know. It will wear off eventually but she can't tell when." He answered curtly. "I'm needed at the watchtower and since you caused this mess, you'll be the one looking after her." Bruce pointed at Jason and you padded over to him, sniffing his boots and settling at his feet.

"B-but I don't-"
"Feed it, walk it, let it outside every now and again. Any other questions ask Alfred."

Bruce swiftly exited the cave again, leaving Jason alone. He looked down at his feet at the husky which was now sleeping soundly on the floor beneath him.

"So uh... I guess it's just me and you... mom."


Jason yawned and stretched before rubbing his eyes, and popping one of the joints in his back. He had slept on the floor that night, as you had claimed his bed for your own and refused to move.

Jason sat up and looked at the pile of blankets in the bed, but didn't see any dog. He sat up quickly, frantically searching around his room. There was still no signs of the husky.

"Good heavens!"

Jason heard a British voice shout from downstairs. He ran out of his room to see Alfred standing in the living room, his eyebrows raised. Jason followed his gaze to see the missing husky, on the sofa among piles of ripped up cushions and fluff.

Jason sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Well, there no way I can blame Tim for this one."

1 week later

Jason was sat on the couch, lazily flipping through a magazine. You were laying on the floor next to him, casually licking his hand that dangled off the edge of the couch. Over the week Jason had been taking care of you, you had grown to like and trust him. He rarely went anywhere without you now.

As Jason flicked another page over, Dick walked into the room, gasping in shock as he entered.
"What?" Jason asked, not looking up.
"W-what are you doing?"
"With mom you idiot!"
"What do you mean? She's right-"

Jason looked down to see you on the floor still, except you weren't a husky anymore. You were a human.

And still licking his hand.

His human mother. Licking his hand.

Jason yelled and jumped over the back of the sofa, landing with a loud thump. You yelled as well and shot backwards, before stopping and placing your hand in your chest.

"Wait, am I a... oh god."
You and Jason stared at each other, both too awkward to say a word.

"Well this is good news!" Dick chirped. "How do you feel mom?"

"How do I feel? I just spent the last week licking my ass and Jason's hand! Wash that thing!" You yelled pointing as Jason.

He quickly got up and sped out of the room, the sound of running water following.

"Oh, just wait until Bruce hears about this."

Ehhh these are so bad I'm so sorry


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