Love At First Sight

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I hope you enjoyed my story a bit, so far. I was just having trouble starting my stories, I'll need more practice. I am dedicating my story to my bestest friends in the world... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!

Daniel's POV:

When I look up, I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen in my life. She smiles and looks around, I try to look back down, knowing she can't be the "messenger" but I can't stop looking at her. She's wearing a Batman shirt that's loose on her, jean-capris, and her hair is down and black. So sexy... ;P

She comes up to me, I widen my eyes. I check my phone...

"Teddy?" I say confused.

She smiles and giggles... Oh, she's SO adorable. I'm so in love!

"No that's my dad's nickname, his real name is Teodore."

"No "h"?" I ask.

"No "h"." She says with a smile.

"Then, what's your name?"

"I'm Kathryn Ever, people call me "Kath" or "Clem". I don't know why people call me Clem, they just do."

"Oh. Let's go to the hotel?"

"Ok." She was about to take her luggage,

"No, let me." She took her luggage,

"It's ok." My hand held the top of hers,

"No, really."

She loosens her grip and I lead her to the taxi. I open the door for her and close it, once she went inside. I put the luggage in the back. Once I sat down in the front, she asked.

"Sorry, I never caught your name."

"Daniel, Daniel Everett. Instead, call me DJ."

"Ok." I look at the mirror, I see her smile. Such beauty she beholds...

Kathryn's POV:

OMG THIS HOT GUY HAS THE HOTTEST BRITISH ACCENT!!! His accent makes me giggle, its so cute. The hot guy argued to pull my luggage, so I let him. I'm too tired, anyways. He's such a gentleman, I followed him to the taxi. He opened the door for me and put my luggage in the trunk. He's so cute... Now we are driving to the hotel. Ugh, I'm so tired. I drift off to sleep.

When I wake up, the sun beats down on my face. I'm lying on white sheets, on a bed. It's so comfortable here, except for the fact that my eyes are burning from the sun. I turn around, I'm in the hotel room. WAIT, WHAT? WHA- HOW DID I GET HERE? I look around, I found where the bathroom is. In the corner, there's a couch and Daniel- erm, DJ is on his phone. I remember Sarah, Rosie, Clary, and Fern... I FORGOT TO TEXT THEM!!! AAUUGHHH MY PHONE IS IN MY BAG. I get out of the bed, trying avoid attracting attention from DJ. I shuffle through my bag for my phone, it's in a pocket in the bag. When I get up, I feel a prescence behind me. I walk, as calmly and hurriedly as I can, to the bathroom. I check my phone to see that its low on battery. Uuuggghhhh-

"Kath? Sorry, I didn't want to wake up, so I carried you up."

"It's ok."

I come out of the bathroom, grab some clothes from my luggage and go back, for a shower.

Daniel's POV:

Aww she's still asleep, I pay the taxi driver. I call one of the hotel employees to bring her luggage up, while I pick her up and carry her to the elevator. She's not that heavy. I thought she would have waken up by now... I can see the details of her face, it's perfect... She's perfect.

The hotel employee opened the door for me and her, was careful with Kathryn- ermm, Kath? Or, Clem? I set her down on the bed. I tip the employee with my spare change. It's still noon, so I play on my phone.

A few hours later, she wakes up... she seems troubled, I decide I should apologize, I was right behind her when she was grabbing her phone. I was so scared, why am I so nervous? My heart beats loud and hard, I hope she can't hear it... I try to speak, but no voice comes out. She goes to the bathroom, only then I apologize,

"It's ok." she says as if that me carrying her wasn't the problem.

I go back to the couch and I wait for her. I take out all the shirts I have and leave the one I want to wear to the side. She takes a long shower, when she comes out, her hair is done with a little curl at the bottom. She wears a Wolverine shirt with dark skinny jeans. I go to the bathroom with my bag to take a shower too.

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