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I wear just casual clothing, dark blue jeans and a black shirt. I held my leather jacket and I hurry to my car. I stand on the side of the car to wait for Kath.

I glanced at her window, she glances at me, she puts her hand up, 'Just 5 mins.' oh she's on the phone.

Kath's POV:

"Hello? Kathryn Ever of Ever Family Company."

"Awww... my niece is all grown up."


"How'd you get my number?"

"Your boyfriend."

"Who- wait, you mean the guy I was with?! NO HE ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND!!! He's just my... Guide."

"Ok then. He seemed very sweet to you then."

"Ugh... Anyways, why'd you call me? Is it about the papers or lunch tomorrow?"

"Oh, about them both. I didn't need the papers, I just needed to be able to communicate with your dad. I didn't stop you earlier because I was admiring how much of a woman you have become."

"Pfft. That's what you get for leaving me for 10 years." I mumble.

"And for the lunch, bring your 'guide' with you to my house instead."

"Ugh... ok. Bye."

I let him say bye and I hung up. I walk down to meet Daniel, I feel slightly nervous. He opens the door for me as I stay silent and climb in. Once he starts to drive, he glanced at me. He holds my hand and smiles at me. He's so HOT I JUST WANT TO HUG HIM. I smile back at him.

He parked at a formal looking restaurant. Again, he opens the door and waited for me to climb out.


I held her hand and hoped I wasn't taking it too far. When I glanced at her she seemed troubled, she stares on forward. Is it me? She looks at me and smiles, then continues to stare forward. Once we were inside, I asked for my reservation and a girl that seems to be familiar and my age leads us to our table. The girl keeps looking at me and ignores Kathryn completely.

"My girlfriend, here-" they both look at me and the waitress looks at her with wide eyes, "she'll be getting the Jumbo Prawns."

Right before the waitress left, she said,

"KATHRYN? Is that you? Oh my gosh!!!"


"Oh, yeah, this is Melanie Trayton..." she answered in a monotonous voice with a straight face.

"Didn't you miss me?"

"Ya sure." she says with sarcasm.

"Ok we'll chit chat later." She smiles at us and walks away.

Kath rolls her eyes once she leaves,

"What?" I ask.

"I hate her, she looks up to me and LITERALLY tried to be me. Ugh-"

"She seems nice."

"Pfft." She rolled her eyes again. Then she starts staring at something behind me. I turn to see, its Melanie with some of her waitress friends. Melanie stares at me with a smile.

Then I see a guy approach my table.


Kath's POV:


"Quen?" I stand up... Big mistake... He hugged me.
I push him, but he wouldn't let go.

"Stop," he hugged me tighter, "LET GO!" I felt everyone staring at us. I saw Melanie run to Daniel and hug his arm. My heart dropped to my stomach and I felt weak. I keep pushing as I saw Daniel push Melanie away and he pulled me away from Quen. Quen landed a punch on Daniel's face...


I slapped Quen on his cheek, but then he grasped my left hand. So I punched him, he took my right hand. He's so stupid, he knows I can play soccer and almost finished Tae Kwon Do. I gathered all my strength and kicked him in the balls.

"AAAUUUGGHH!!!!" He held his pant and fell to the ground.

Melanie stood there crying, probably from Daniel's rejection. I silently laughed at that thought. I walked to Daniel, who's nose was bleeding, took the towel to clean his blood out, put the towel on his nose, and pressed on the soft part of his nose.

Once his bleeding stopped, we didn't continue our date. We went to the hotel. When he dropped me off at my room, he seemed disappointed.

"I'm sorry Kath, this was a bad date."

"No, it wasn't even your fault. It's ok, we can have a 2nd first date."

He was still sad, so I hugged him. I felt his arms wrap around me, it definitely felt safer than Quen's... WAIT WHAT AM I THINKING?!

"Bye Kath." I waved to him as he walks across the hall to his room. I close the door, take off my shoes and laid down in bed. I closed my eyes.

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