The News

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Kath's POV:

After I gulp down my meds and put on the ointment, I begin to settle in my room. My comfy, colorful room. I pull out my phone and text my friends. Only Fern and Clary. They text me back asking if we could meet up at Fern's house. I agree instantly and I pick up my bag. In my bag, there are my keys, my phone, charger, and sunglasses. As I walk out the door, my mom calls me.

"Kath! Come here, I- we forgot to tell you something."

"Yeah?" I said while walking to my mom.

"Next Monday, we are going to go on a trip to visit your cousins."

"Oh ok. So, do I have to start packing?"

"Yeah, today."

"But Ma!"


"Can I start packing after coming home from Fern's house?"

"Ok fine."

YESS!! I skip out the door and walk down the street. I walk up the steps of Fern's house. Her glass door is closed, but her green door behind the glass was open, revealing her beautiful straight piano. I knock on the glass, lightly, but hard enough for Fern to be able to hear it.

"KATHRYN!!!" I hear Fern yell, like a 5 year old.

I could hear her footsteps rushing down her wooden stairs. I laugh when she slips on the last step, but holds onto the post to balance herself again. The glass door swings open when she pulls me into a hug. I hug her back and when we release of the hug, she asks,

"How's college?"


"That's what she said."

We chuckle together and then I turn around. (Every now and then I get a little lonely and you're never coming round. Haha I'm so wierd.) To see Clary standing there, looking lonely. I knew that she hated hugs, but you know me! I LOVE HUGS. So Fern and I walk up to her and we had a group hug on Fern's porch. Then we walk into Fern's house, laughing, but Clary was pretty mad at us. So we made a run for it, up the stairs. We knew pretty well that Clary was harmless, so we stop at the top of the stairs. Clary wearily walks up the stairs and she looks down... Then looks back up at us with a devious smile. I widen my eyes, when she laughs.

"You should have seen your faces!!!" She laughs hysterically, she clutches her stomach. Fern and I burst out laughing with them. After that we start to just talk about our college life. I tell them about Joshie and Julia. They laugh when I tell them about my trip and... QUEN. Then I tell them about my studying then having to drag Joshie and Julia to their dorm rooms. They grimace when they hear about Joshie throwing up. They tell me about their college life, that their friends aren't as awesome as the three of us together and other stuff.


It's time to go home. We approach the door and say our goodbyes. I laugh and hug Fern, and we forcefully hug Clary. I leave first and walk up the block to my house. I take out my keys from my bag, inserting it into the keyhole, but the door opens before I twist it. (Sshhhh don't talk, it may sound wrong...)

"Até! Hurry! We have to start packing or else Mom will be mad!" Paul warns.

We close and lock the door and run up the stairs to our individual rooms.

"Mom?" I ask as she walks into the room.


"How long is the trip?"

"2 weeks, to London."

"WAHH! AWESOME!" I instantly thought of DJ, I have to text him... or Skype works too.

"Ok just start packing now, Dad will be here shortly with your customer. I'll call you and you'll have to go downstairs and present, or whatever you do."


I look through my closet quickly, looking for 18 outfits. I don't want to have exactly 14, because, what if I need extras when something happens? So I get 4 dresses, because mom told me to. I get my pink short shorts, my blue capris, my black skinny jeans, and my blue floral skirt. I then take out my superman shirt, batman t-shirt, Avengers shirt, and a flowery blouse.

"Kathryn, they are here." My mom speaks on the overcom that's in everyone's room. I grab my presentation and IPad, etc, and walk down the stairs to see my last customer. She widens her eyes at me, probably because I'm younger than what she expected.

(SKIP SKIP the presentation)

"I was quite concerned if you actually understood all of this."

Oh no, was it bad? I look up at my proud parents, looking sternly at the customer, from the back.


"Because I loved it!!!" We all end up smiling.

"Thank you!"

"I must say, your parents must be sooo proud of you. I would! So I'll say, YES I will buy your product."

"Thank you so much!"

I Skype DJ, but he had news too...

Sorry guys, I didn't update yesterday because I was at the beach the whole day and I didn't bring my kindle. So, yeah, I'm really sorry.

-Kathniel' s Uni-melon Hugs

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