Alone at Heart

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I carry her to her bed and I was sleepy myself, but fell asleep on the floor. Because I am an idiot like that.

When I woke up, it was 6:28 p.m. I still had time to spend with Kath... So, I stand up and climb into her bed. I look at her, but to my surprise, she turns around.

"AAH!" We both scream.

"... Uhh, Sorry." I blush. Thank goodness for the dim light, she wouldn't have seen my face.

"I can't sleep." I can't make out her face in the dark, but I am very sure that she is pouting.

"Neither can I, because I don't want to." I tried not to sound too corny, so I left out, "because I know, when I wake up, you'll have to go home."


Kath's POV:

My phone rang in my pocket... And I felt warm, strong arms wrapped around my waist. Ugh, I have to leave today. I felt desolate, I didn't want to go. I slowly and carefully pried his arms off my waist. I didn't want to wake him and see his pain on his face when I leave. So I hurried through my shower and change to my comfortable, slightly over-sized blues sweatpants and my superman shirt... Ugh, I am such a geek! I slip on my black and white Converse High-Tops. I tried not to wake DJ up as I tried to slip past him and out the door. Unfortunately, for me, my suitcase is not very quiet. It rumbled and the wheels squeaked. His dark chocolate eyes opened and he jumped right out of bed, lunging towards me.

"Kathryn, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME?!" He yelled at me as I winced because of the ear-piercing yell.

"Sorry." He looks down in embarrassment. I smile at him,

"Hurry and get ready, I have to go."

We are finally in the airport, I become more depressed and feel more sad. I was literally on the verge of tears, because I was thinking, that this could be the last day I will ever be able to be with him. He helps me carry my suitcases around, being unnaturally quiet... I didn't want to leave him like this, so I decide to spark up a conversation.

"So, what are you going to do when I leave?"I ask.

"I don't know, I guess I'll pack my own stuff and get on a train to London."

"I'll miss you," I tried to hide the tear that rolled down my cheek, "It was fun."

"I won't be the same without you."

Him again, with his corny lines. But I couldn't help but let the wave of feels rush through me. I tried to conceal my squeal. (THAT RHYMES!!!) I kept walking, staring down at each of the white tiles that I stepped on. I start to quietly sing, not daring to look up

I don't like walking around this old and empty house.

So hold my hand, I'll walk with you, my dear. He sang softly, grabbing my hand and intertwining his fingers with mine.

The stair creak as I sleep it's keeping me awake. I sang as sweetly as I could. It's hard to sing softly in the morning. Actually, no, it's hard to sing in the morning. Period. But DJ made it seem so easy, well, for him.

It's the house telling you to close your eyes. He sings the answer and it goes on like that until I look up, we were nearing the line where they check-in the luggages. It was almost time, but then it hit me. I realized I forgot to pick up the ticket! I look at DJ in horror, he handed me the ticket. A wave of relief hit me, but now, I had a question,


"The day your Uncle came to the hotel, the guy behind the counter handed me your mail. I figured that I would give it to you, but I forgot when I reached your room."

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