Trip P2

320 7 2


Mum said that I can't leave the house since my relatives are coming over for a week. She said the only time I could go is if they could come and see me play my sports.

"CLEAN MY BEDROOM FOR ME, BOYS." My mom yells while she cleans the kitchen.

"WHAT ABOUT DAD?" JC yells with sass. He rolls his eyes. We have cleaned our rooms already and the bathroom, but not my parents bedroom or bathroom.


He's lucky. We are stuck here cleaning. It doesn't matter anyways, it's family. My mom said to us that they are coming in the afternoon. And it's... 8:26... Nope, it's 8:27 now. So we clean by taking most of the boxes and stuff and shove it under the bed and into the drawers. I "neatly" fold the towels and put them into the cabinets. JC cleans the shower, it's shiny when he was done, but the toilet was more shinier when I was done with it. JC cleans the sink and I sweep the floor, fix up the decorations and we walk out, satisfied with our work.

We walk down the stairs... as quietly as we could...


"UGH!" We exclaim, rolling my eyes.

"JC clean the living room, DJ, clean the dining room."

HOW CAN THERE POSSIBLY BE MORE TO CLEAN AAARRRGGHH!!!! I was on the verge of bursting into a... SONG! JK just a frustrated yell or shout would calm me down. I clean while I was suddenly thinking of the best plan to meet up with Kath. Let's see...

1. Tell my cousin to stay where he or she is and I'll go to Kath.

2. Tell my cousin the plan and hope she or he goes with it while they stall.

3. I'll pretend to go to the bathroom, but actually meet up with Kath.

4. Bring my cousin to one of the people on my team and tell him the plan...

I really like the 3rd and 4th plan... I'll think about it. I can't tell anyone about Kath, I don't want to... I know that if I go with the 4th plan, Katsumi is out of the question. I can't trust him with my cousin, especially not Kath... I'll think of it soon...

Before I know it, the house is clean and I have to get to practice. Tate comes over to pick me up so we could get to practice.

~~~~~After Practice~~~~~~

We hurry back because my mom had called to get home as soon as possible.

"Mom! I'm home!" I yell as I burst through the door.

I could hear her shriek echo through the house. I scared her... Oh no. HAHAHA!!! That was funny though. I hear her footsteps rushing down the stairs.

"Boys! *JC runs down the stairs.* I'm going to go pick up your aunt and uncle ok? I'll be back!! I'll call you when I am coming back home and you have to turn on the stove to warm up the soup. Then you press 'Steam' on the Rice Cooker. Okay? Make sure you keep the house clean. *walks to door, taking keys from the small table.* Oh and DJ? *I look up at her.* Take a showa, you smell like-"

She slams the door before she says the last word... I take a shower, ehmm, I mean ceremony of water and soap. When I come out, I turn on the vent to air it out. I check on JC, although I know I don't have to check on him. He is on the computer playing some RPG game. I get back to my room, put on a random shirt and my basketball shorts. I begin to strum my guitar. Am7, G, E-

"DJ?" JC interrupts my guitar playing.

"Ugh. WHAT!" He takes the guitar from my hands and slightly tosses it to my bed.

"Don't play that. Please." He says frustratedly.

I stand up and walk put of my room, angrily. I hear the door open.

"DJ! JC! I'm home!!!" ITS DAD!

He comes up stairs and I end up cleaning the floor again, because his boots made a trail to the closet. My phone rings upstairs. I hurry to answer because it's probably Mum.

"DJ? I'm coming home. Get ready!!" It's my cue.

I turn the stove on and press "Steam". I fix my hair and patiently wait for Mum. I think I'll just play my guitar downstairs, or my keyboard...

I'll be waiting to see you Kathryn.

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