The Trip

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Kath's POV:

We walk, down the lines as a family. I had the slightest chance to see DJ again. I don't actually know if I am still going with the plan to meet up with DJ. But I really hope we can follow through. So again, going down the lines, to the first plane. We have 2 flights, again, to get to London. As we walk, I could feel my heels ache as I drag my weight with my feet. Each step I take is like stepping on rocks... Ugh, why did we have to stay up so late? Its like, midnight.

We finally have boarded the plane and I find myself... WIDE AWAKE! UURRGHH!! But I guess its fine. I look around to see myself in the middle of my mom and grandma, while in front of me, Paul is in between Dad and grandpa.

"Can I get the 3DS in the backpack?" He says in between the crack of the two seats between Dad and him.

"Yeah sure." I say as I pull out my backpack from under my seat, shuffling through the food and other electronics inside. I grab it and pull it out of the bag and then I slip it through the crack that Paul was talking through. He grabs it and puts it on his lap,

"Merci! Arigato! Salamat! Gracias! Thanks!"

"Ermagherd! Seriously? Shut up!"

He is so annoying, he's such a show off. I could see my mom looking sternly at me, in the corner of my eye. But I pretend not to see it, going on my phone. I could see her then look away and watches Identity Thief on the small screen behind the head of the seat in front of her. My eyes begin to droop and I let them close, letting me travel to a slumberland.

"Daniel!!" I see DJ and I run up to him. He wraps his arms around me, engulfing me with his body. I missed this.

"I missed you so much Kathryn Ever..." His eyes glimmer. I could see the reflection of the sun, through his eyes, beaming down on us... Like a spotlight.

"Me too..." He keeps hugging me... It felt so real and warm. I don't want this moment to end.

"I can't believe it's actually you! I've had dreams of seeing you... but unfortunately, your face... it started to fade."

He holds my cheek in one hand and holds my hand in the other.

"Please...Come with me this time, don't leave me!" He begs.-

"Kath." Someone is shaking me.

I slowly open my eyes. The lights were dim and there was food in front of me. I have chicken and other stuff. I push my fork into the not-so tender chicken breast and pull it up towards my mouth. It's still warm. Beside my plate is a cup of a clear liquid with bubbles in it. It's probably Sprite. My mom hands me the opened Sprite. I set the can on the small "table" in front of me. I continue to eat, but then I begin to feel nauseous, as if I was about to throw up. So I take a small break from my meal. Sitting back, waiting a few moments before I take my next bite. But once I take the next bite, the motion sickness comes over me again. Soon enough, my plate was empty and my stomach was full. I sip some of my Sprite and close my eyes. Hoping that I could have the same dream... But I didn't remember my dream...

I open my eyes.

"-n your seatbelts. Touchdown is in 10 minutes." The overcom says.

Haha, again. I am lucky... So my brother slides me the 3DS through the crack and I drop it into my backpack. I give everyone a mint so then when we go down to touchdown, we don't throw up. I could hear each one of them pop them into their mouths and I do the same. Soon, I could feel the gravity decreasing, and we are about to touchdown. I know I have another flight still but it's good to know that I could finally stretch out. I zone out and the next thing I know, we are leaving the plane. My dad takes out the luggages while Paul and I take out our backpacks. Paul, Grandma, Mom, and I walk out of the plane. We enter the huge airport and I don't know where we are... but I don't care. I find the next flight on a big screen. B-3 We spot Dad and Grandpa, who lags slowly behind us, when we turn around to look for B-3. (Not sure, I forgot... hehehe... Sorry!)

When we find it, my grandparents sit down and holds out luggages.

"Mom?" Paul's voice startles me. I have just realized that we were silent the whole time... I mean, at least I was.

"Mm?" My mom mumbles, without looking up from her phone. She's probably scrolling through Facebook or something...

"Did we bring some chips?"  He asks rubbing his belly, looming at it sympathetically. I start to giggle.

"Hehe. Yeah it's in my bag." I answer Paul for Mom and I pull out some Cheetos.

"No! I want Cheez-its." He whines.

"Ugh... FINE!" He just disgraced my Cheetos... I grab the Cheez-its box and pull it out for Paul.


We are now on the 2nd flight onto London. I am so excited. I'll be able to-

I open my eyes and the back of my head was throbbing. I widen my eyes. MY MEDS! Have I possibly have forgotten them?

"Mom? Where is my-" I wince.

Mom acts fast... and a little panicked. She ruffles through her bag and asks Paul to look through his bag. Then Mom takes my bag and there's only pain reliever. Then I remember.

"Mom, urgh, it's in my, ouch, luggage."

"Here just take the pain reliever." She waits for a stewardess and asks for a bottle of water. I take the capsule in my hand and place it on my tongue. I take a swig of water and swallow, but I missed the capsule. I try again and it missed again, I try one more time, bringing the capsule to the opening of the throat and gulp down some water. I could feel the capsule go down my throat. I close my eyes and rest until I would wake up again.

"Kathryn.." I feel someone's hand touch my shoulder.

Wah? My face, it's wet... Have I been crying?

"It can't be..." I hear someone cry.

What is happening here??? I take a step towards the voice... I can't see, it's really dark. There's a dim light in the corner-

I open my eyes and gasp. It was just a dream.

"Mm, Haaaiyy... What's wrong hija?" My grandma's soothing voice calms me as I regulate my breathing.

"*gasp* Eh... Nothing. I'm-uh- okay. *heavily breathing* Just, go back to sleep. Sorry."

I watch her as she goes back to sleep and I try my hardest to think about what went on in my dream. My dream doesn't seem to make sense... Why was I crying? Is it bad? Does it have something to do with me and... or DJ? I think I could just... uhh... I could pray for protection? Right? I do it anyways... just in case.

I wait for time to pass by. I really wish it was finally time to meet up with him. After an hour passes, it was about time for touchdown. I pop another mint into my mouth again, and offering it to the others.

We are at the bathroom to freshen up. Surprisingly, the bathrooms are huge, with a horrible stench... But it will have to do. I feel morning glory in my eyes and I rub my eyes. I splash water onto my face and fix my bed-head hair. We all head out grabbing all our luggages and what-Not. We walk through the entrance to a huge room and Mom looks around for my... Aunt, I'm guessing.

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