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Kath's POV:

I don't like this peer pressure thing. I always end up going to the party that Joshie goes to, dragging him out the door and to our dorm room. Tonight was no different.


I go into this huge room. The lights were dim, the music so loud, I can't even hear myself or even my thoughts. There were people drinking, dancing, and doing stupid stuff. I walk around, bumping into person after person, after finding my sober ex-boyfriend next to my wasted friends.

Julia and Joshie are both hugging each other. Then they look up at me. They stood up and barely took a step forward, until they both fell face first. I laughed at their stupidity, but I really needed to get back to my studies. Julia stood up first and limped towards Quen. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear.

I hoisted Joshie, putting his arm over my shoulder. I suddenly breathed deeply through my nose, bad idea. Joshie reeked of alcohol and I cough and cough.

Joshie gagged a lot, until a few steps before getting through the door, he threw up. On the floor was a horrible substance, I didn't dare to look, because I knew If I did, I would have hurled too. So I started to run, pulling him with me with all my might.

I tried not to get him to throw up on me, so as soon as we got to the room I quickly sprinted from the cabinet and grabbed a plastic bag. He had stood up and almost threw up on my bed. because if he did, he wouldn't get to live to the hangover the next morning. He threw up more into the bag and he sat on his bed. It smelled bad, but at least I had FEBREEZE. SPRAY THAT STUFF EVERYWHERE!

Once he had finally fallen asleep, I took out the FEBREEZE can from one of Paul's old basketball bag. He gave it to me because he said that I needed a bigger bag. I tried to clean this thing, but it still smells like... ewwwwww. I sprayed that all over the room and I threw away the throw up bag and replaced it with an empty plastic bag if he still had to throw up-

"OH SHOOT I FORGOT JULIA!!!" I stood up and sprinted to the room


Ouch, my head...

I massaged my forehead and I saw Quen carrying Julia, bridal style.

"Ow! Clem, watch where you're going!" Quen whined.

"Shut up. I'll bring Julia to her room, go back to the party."

"Bye, bye Jules." Quen cooed. I scoffed at him.

"Quack Quack, hehe, I am a duck... Weeeeeh!!!" Julia slurs.

I pulled Julia to her room and thanked her roommate for helping her go to sleep. I sprinted back into my room and found Joshie out of bed.

"JOSHIE!" I yelled. I could hear gagging in the bathroom. And there he was. It was disgusting, he did that into the toilet. But eventually he went back to sleep and I went back to my bed to study for our finals.

End Of Flashback.

Today is the day! The last day of finals. Until another BREAK! I can't wait until I see Paul, Mom, and Dad. I need to make sure I pass these tests. I tell myself that they are just ordinary tests. but honestly, I can't fool myself. I know these are big-time finals. I only have 3 classes were I really needed to pass. Business, Math, and Science related classes, so that's what I called them. So yeah, I-

"Miss Ever?"

"Yes Ma'am?" I answer.

"Correct!" She congratulates me.


"Haha, you got lucky Kat!" Julia whispers.

"What did she ask?"

"I don't know, I wasn't listening either!" She giggles.

Great, now my zoning out has rubbed off onto Julia, THE Julia Montes. Ugh... Next thing I know, papers are handed out, netbooks lined up in front of each individual...and the finals begin.

I still have finals to take tomorrow too... UGH THEY NEVER END!!! I do feel confident that I could at least get higher that what Quen can ever get.


We lost our last game! Meaning we got 2nd place. If only Katsumi hadn't been dropped. His suspension costed us, but he needed it. He was too arrogant. Plus, he teases me about Kath, it's not fair. I love her, he loves... Mel? No, but I saw them holding hands with her, or is it Mel that likes him? At least she's not chasing me anymore. So back to 2nd place. Yes Katsumi is arrogant. egotistical, stupid, but he was the second best player on the team. He was my wing man. Although, now that I think about it. Lately, he's been acting wierd around me... He's teasing me a lot. He said, "She's so beautiful." Was he talking about Mel? HE'S DEFINITELY WRONG ABOUT THAT.

Katumi' s POV:

Why ME? Why did I fall? I fell for her, so hard, I hate that. She's so perfect, but when she's in his arms, my eyes sting, my heart shatters. Why? WHY DID I LOVE? I am stuck with Mel. I hate her, she is so annoying. Her voice makes my ears twitch.

"Oh, let's go there!"
"Look at my shoes!"
"I'm so pretty!"
"I love you!"
"Are you okay, babe?"
"Honey? Where are my flowers?"

Ugh, I just want to slap her, across the face. But I'm a nice guy, not all the time. Why can't Kathryn see me? She looked at me for a little, HER eyes glimmering dark brown, her skin looks so soft.

"Hey! Babe!" I pretend smile at Mel, secretly desiring to hurt her. I'm so mean!! >.<

I spot DJ going into his car. "DANIEL EVERETT!!!" I yell. He turns back to look at me and his eyes pop out of his sockets. (Not literally...) He gestures me over and I see Mel smirk at me, then at DJ. Oh no, what have I done?! I grasp my hair, pulling it upwards. I sprint to DJ, into his car and pushing Mel away.

"We are OVER!" I yell.

I could hear her loud sobs and screams. Haha finally, I don't have her all over me, especially that annoyingly high-pitched, squeaky voice.

"KATSUMI, AS MUCH AS I HATE YOU RIGHT NOW! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT ALL ABOUT?!" DJ scolds me, without taking his eyes off the road.

"One word: Melanie, or is that name? Whuteva."

"Oh, makes sense." He grimaced.

"You know her?"

"Yeah, she had or has a crush on me. She tried to get between me and Kath. I love Kath. I can't wait until I see her again, to see her smile, her face, her laugh. You know what? She said that she loves me." I gasp at his remark.

My heart shatters into billions of pieces. The thought of her makes my heart melt, but seeing at DJ was the source of her happiness feels like I just stabbed myself.-

"KATSUMI!? Are you ok?"

"Uhh yeah."

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