Best Day Ever

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I continue to help her pack, tomorrow is her last day. After meeting her, I don't know how I will live. Ok, that's too much. I fell in love, but we haven't done anything that she- no wait, scratch that- we will remember forever. I know, I am being too corny and... or too cliché. But, I was on my laptop, yesterday, ordering tickets for something later today.

Kath's POV:

So he's telling me at 5 in the morning that we are going out for the "BEST DATE EVER!!!" or was it the "BEST DAY EVER!!!" Well, whatever it is, it better be worth waking me up at 5 a.m. He told me to shower and get ready. So I shower and put moisturizer on my face and lotion on. I decide to wear my favorite Batman shirt thats yellow, black, and purple. I pull on my black jean shorts. I hope I don't look like some ugly geek... I walk out and DJ was wearing a black leather vest with a white t-shirt under it. He was wearing black jeans and his hair was up with hair gel... that smells like his cologne... I can smell him from the couch. He glanced at me and said,

"Bring a sweater, you'll get cold."

" 'K." I went to the closet where my purple sweater was.

I put it on and he packs his stuff. He left his backpack on the bed and he slid his aviator over his eyes. I decide to bring my own sunglasses and my backpack. I don't remember what I put in there. I also had to bring my backpack because DJ told me to. I literally felt like I was sleepwalking. We walked to the front of the hotel, to the bus stop. The bus, of course, stops in front of us. I was so confused and I followed DJ inside as he gave the tickets to this machine thingy and the machine ate the tickets. We sit down and I leaned my head on his shoulder and fell asleep.


"Kath, Kathryn!" I heard a voice whisper shout into my ear. I opened my eyes slowly,

"We're here. Come on! Let's go!" DJ pulled me up by my wrist and my waist.

"Ok!" We stepped off the bus as I popped a piece of mint flavored gum into my mouth. We fell into a super long line of people... I looked up and I gasped at the beauty of this structure... IT'S THE EIFFEL TOWER. I jumped up and down. DJ was smiling at me.

"THANK YOU OH MY GOSH!!!" I hugged him, tightly. I heard him gasp for air and I immediately let go.

"Sorry." I apologize and he smirks at me. He goes behind me, to grab something in my backpack. OH MY CAMERAA!! He becomes my photographer and snaps picture after picture while we are in line. Within the hour, we finally arrived at the stand where DJ handed the guy at the stand, our tickets.

We, yet again, fall into another super long line to get into the elevator. Once we are in the elevator, we were forced to squish together. It was a rather. uncomfortable position, my back pushed into DJ's chest and someone's bag was pressuring me on my stomach, leaving me unable to breathe easily. I decide to try to push the person's bag and turn around. I did so, but I was pushed into DJ's chest. It was definitely more comfortable than my other position...

When I walked along the side of the Eiffel Tower, it became a little chilly. I rubbed my arms for warmth and DJ took more pictures. I took out my phone for at least one picture of us together. It was a selfie, I admit... But I didn't want to ask some stranger. Do yah feel me bruh? So anyways, We went inside to shop for some souvenirs. I bought a little version of the Eiffel Tower that was as small as my middle finger. There were 3 or 4 "floors" in the Eiffel Tower. We were on the 2nd floor, I wanted to at least get a breathe-taking view on the tippy top. So we went through the lines, super crowded elevators, beautiful views, beautiful pictures, and finally, we had reached our destination. At the top, DJ talked to one of the employees and he got a guitar. He gave the camera and my phone to him, which was in his pocket because I gave him the freedom to take photos on it too. But then, he started to strum his guitar, and sing...

Hey! Hey! Hey!

His voice was smooth and husky, I never knew he could sing so well!

I don't like walking around this old and empty house
So hold my hand I'll walk with you my dear

Oh, it's because tomorrow is my last day... I don't want to leave him.

The stairs creak as I sleep its keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes
Some days I cant even dress myself
Its killing me to see you this way

When he finished the song, strummed the last chord, I was already in tears. I did not want to go and I could tell he did not want me to go either. I smiled, then he opened up his arms, I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms behind my back, pulling me tightly to him. I didn't want this moment to end, I want to re-live it over and over. But unfortunately for me, that moment ended when I heard my phone stop recording. *beep* I totally forgot he was video taping this and taking pictures. The guy also pressed on my video of me playing piano and singing at the same time. I immediately pushed DJ... but he didn't let me go. I struggled in his arms... Why is he doing this? I look around me and a little girl says,

"Who's that?" I saw the girl point at my phone. The moment got even worse, DJ got the girl's attention and pointed at me. I could feel my cheeks overheating.

"She's... REALLY REALLY good!" The little girl smiled at me, I fake smiled back at her. She skipped away, in the middle of the song (Oh good, she's gone, no more embarassment.) and then she came back... with her mom. (SHHHHHIIII-)
"Mommy! Mommy! Listen!" The little girl begged her mom.

"I am sorry for my daughter... *Listens* But you ARE good!"

I smile at her and she smiles back.

"Thank you? *turns around to look at DJ* Now can you let go of me?"

He lets go and I take my phone from the guy... mentally slapping him. I walk hurriedly to the line, DJ chasing after me. He catches me in the elevator, he grabs my wrist and doesn't et go until we got to the 4th floor. He pulled me out of the elevator and he apologizes,

"Okay! Okay, I am sorry Kathryn Ever."

"Ugh... Please! Don't do something stupid like that, Ever again..." (Haha get it? "Ever" as in Kathryn Ever? Heh- no? ok -_-)

"Okay." He chuckles.


At 12 a.m., I realize that I am starving! I didn't eat any breakfast. DJ brings me to eat some Fettuccine Alfredo and  garlic bread. We go eat some gelato and arrive at a park. He finishes his gelato and I finish mine... I try not to hold grudges towards other people... Yes, we are in Paris, not Italy, but we go international, don't we? All of a sudden, DJ starts to poke at my hips. I am extremely ticklish, so I stood up laughing, so he would stop. Unfortunately, he didn't stop. I kept running around the park, like a maniac on drugs. I was laughing hysterically, so I easily ran out of breath. I, then paused and DJ pulled me towards him, carrying me up to the sky. It was both fun and horrifying. When he finally let me down, he smirked at me and his face merely inches away. He looks down, then back up to my eyes. Then my phone rings, it's my dad. I saw in my peripheral vision, DJ was ruffling his hand through his hair. I giggle...

"Kathryn, don't forget to set an alarm for 5:30 a.m. for your flight tomorrow."

"Oh yeah ok.... Is that it?"


"Why didn't you just text?"

"Because... I don't know."

"Haha, ok bye, I'll see you tomorrow. Love you, bye."

I hung up and set the alarm right away, so I don't forget later on.

"Let's go." He hails a cab and when I sit down, I lean on his shoulder, yawning.

"I'm already so tired." And then I realize,


"You did that on the bus..." Oh yeah, "but go on, you can't help it if you're tired."

And again I fell asleep on his shoulder.

I am trying my hardest to write new chapters every day and still make it lengthy, but it's quite hard to do. I don't have a lot of time on my own electronics... But I try my best for you... Although there are hardly anyone reading this.

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