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Ash and Pikachu sat down in front of the television, ready to watch Serena compete in the Rustboro City pokémon contest. His mum and Mr Mime were there too, but they were both tottering around, doing cleaning and such things.

'Welcome to the Rustboro City pokémon contest! Today we have many competitors going for the Rustboro Ribbon!' She held up a pink ribbon.

Ash stared unblinkedly, zoning out, for the rest of the competitors. But when Serena showed up on the screen, he straightened up and watched intently.

'Pancham! Come on out!' Serena cried, as she sent out Pancham. The small pokémon came out, still wearing his sunglasses. 'Are you ready? Let's do our best!' Pancham nodded.

'Dark Pulse! Then Arm Thrust! Like we practised!' Serena said. Pancham made a ball of darkness, and made it hover. His arm then turned white, and punched the dark ball. It exploded into black sparkles, which then filled the whole room. The audience clapped.

'Great job! Now, Stone Edge!' Pancham slammed his fist into the ground, and blue crystals burst from the ground, going in a circle around him. Then, a stone pillar pushed Pancham up. 'Arm Thurst!' Pancham's arm turned white again, and hit the pillar he was standing on, turning it into blue sparkles. He nimbly jumped onto another stone pillar, and ran on all of the Stone Edge, still bursting each pillar. Pancham neatly flipped before hitting the ground.

Ash started to notice how confident Serena was. She was postively glowing, a small hint of pink on her cheeks, and beaming widely. She looked in control.

'Dark Pulse!' Serena commanded. Pancham made a ball of darkness. 'Now Stone Edge!' The pokémon slammed his fist into the floor, making one spire of stone. It split the ball into pieces. Both the Dark Pulse and the Stone Edge exploded into sparkles, which scattered across the room. The audience clapped. Pancham did a flip, and posed. 'We're done!' Serena beamed.

Delia, who had been watching the performance with Ash, smiled and nodded. 'She works brilliantly with her pokémon.'

Ash nodded enthusiastically. 'Yeah! Serena does!' Pikachu nodded as well.

By the time they had finished talking, all of Serena's points had been added up. She and Pancham had a score of 29.4. Pancham had leapt into Serena's arms, and they were beaming widely. They walked off the stage, and the next co-ordinator was up.

Again, Ash zoned out, and Delia pottered around, cleaning, until Serena was up for the battle. She was against a boy with a Breloom.

'You have the first move.' The boy said, with a wink. Ash felt rage build up inside him, but he suppressed it.

'Oh! Pancham, use Arm Thrust!' Pancham ran in to Breloom, his arm glowing white, but Breloom quickly jumped back, dodging the attack. Pancham's meter went down.

The boy smirked. 'Heh. Thought you were good at battling Serena. Breloom, Force Palm.' Breloom's hands turned into white gloved hands, and made a clapping motion.

'Dodge Pancham!' Serena yelled. But it was in vain, as the Force Palm hit Pancham, and his and Serena's meter dropped. 'Stone Edge!'

Pancham slammed his fist into the ground, making a glittering stone pillar towards Breloom. 'Arm Thrust!' Serena called.

While the Stone Edge was barrelling towards Breloom, Pancham got in close and, with his arm glowing white, hit the grass pokémon. Then, the Stone Edge collided with Breloom. Breloom's meter went down by a significant amount.

The boy looked nervous, and furious. 'Come on you stupid pokémon! You are meant to win! I knew I should've used Roserade! Seed Bomb!'

Breloom looked almost sad. But then, to it's trainers command, it made a ball of seeds, and hurled it slowly towards Pancham. 'MAKE IT GO FASTER!' He bellowed.

Ash felt furious. First him hitting on Serena, then yelling at his pokémon? This guy was a jerk.

'Stop the battle! Serena wins by default!' The offical yelled. 'A co-ordinator never  yells at their pokémon.' The points on Breloom's and the boy's meter went completely down. 'Tyson and his pokémon will never be able to compete again.'

He recalled Breloom, cursing. Tyson stormed from the arena.

Serena hadn't moved. 'Oh. Pancham we – uh – won!'

Hey guys! So so so sorry for not posting in a while. I had exams, so I had to study. Although I didn't do that well but anyway. It was my birthday recently, so I have enough money to buy a 3DS! So I'll be getting Ultra Moon, and either X or Alpha Sapphire! I'M SO EXCITED!

QOTD: Will you be getting USUM? If you are, what starter are you picking? I'm getting Ultra Moon, and I'm choosing Popplio!

Don't forget to vote and comment! :)

Hannah <3

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