Regions Apart is now on hold. I'm sorry

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I am so sorry for not posting recently, but for now, I think I am going to be putting Regions Apart and all my other books on hold

Now, most of you have already clicked off and/or about to write an angry comment. I know, I deserve it. I'm going to explain, which again, not many of you will read. I'm just a person on the internet right?

Recently, I have started getting myself into a rut. The things I found fun just last year, ballet, writing, gaming, I struggle to find the motivation to do. Nothing makes me truly happy anymore (expect for maybe my cat). Now my grandad has terminal cancer. My uncle is having radiotherapy so he can't help my mum. I feel truly alone as no one checks up on me. Not even the people I call my very best friends. 

I'm just sorry. I don't expect you carry on reading Regions Apart anymore if I decide to restart this. Just delete this from your library if you want. 

I'm going to try and find myself again. Thank you for your patience. 


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